Im into you

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So I now have AP genometry god is a bipolar bitch who has anger issues and a bad sense of humor stupid jackass and to add insult to injure I have class with Isaac who is sitting with a sick looking girl I do not know the name of. Hi Isaac I said who's your friend? This is Erica she's like my sister basically Erica this is stiles he said as me and Erica shake hands and seeing as Isaac adorableness lahey trust her I do to only once again my mouths inability to have a filter comes into play which means I said it out loud again and this time he just gave me a hug/sat me down before I could embarrass my self even more I thanked him many times before I let it go and tried to pay attention to Mr. Harris but failed so I just listened to paramour till the end finally humming I'm into you.

So I let out a sigh my last class consisted of no Scott no Isaac and Jackson the jackass who decided to tell everyone he and Lydia broke up and b he's gay and he likes a Guy when he said it he looked at me and I said after a few moments of inner babble his a jackass which earned me a hurt look from him.

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