the date

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so Jackson stilles date not really into them being together sorry

Jacksons p.o.v

Knock knock! I heared a gruff hold on from the other side of the door that in no uncertian trems was not stilles as the door swung open the sheriff of the town stood before me asking me what did i want i was asking if stilles was ready and he bellowed STILLES but before stilles footsteps got colse he said to me hurt my boy in any way and ill chop your balls of and feed them to the k9 unit. As stilles walked down the steps buzz cut green shirt with jeans that hugged his body in all the right placesfollowed by green laced converse he looked so good that i could eat him up right there mmmhhmm when he got to the door my body acted on its on i grabed his hand and kissed each knuckle in front of his dod it was about to be 7:15 so iasked are you ready he said yes i told his dad ill have him back at 10 and took him to my car i opened the door for him and shut it and ran to my side and got in i told him about us doing a double date with scott and allison and he said ok i was going to make him happy tonight because i really like him alot.

Stilles p.o.v

When we get to the bowling place i tell jackson how bad i am at bowling like the one time me and scott went to some kids party in like ther 3d grade and i went to let go of the ball instead of going to the pins it almost hit said kid in the head and went past him into the shelf of shoes and havent picked up a ball since. He started laughing i said what i was like 9 give me some slack. he just kept laughing i said im going in i got out and like that he pulled himself together and walked me in he paid for me even with my very loud protest and we found sott and allison being all cute and gross at the same time i just said eww to them and sat down next to jackson who asked them if they were ready and we stared after the first few gutterballs ( Balls giggle) i stoped playing and sat next to alli so how my dork of a best friend get someone like your pretty self to come here on a double date. Well he told me about jackson asking you out and he asked us to come out with you so you would be freaked out on your first date with him. scott came to sat down with us and asked if we wanted something to eat we told him and then jackson came back and sat right next to me and allison said she had to go help scott traitor i mouthed and that left me with jackson he grabbed my hand and pulled me up im going to help you bowl starting now he grabed a ball and gave it tio me and got behined me and used my hands to follow his movents and after giving me a few tips he said try and i actually got a strike boo yah i yelled....

it was 9:50 when we got to my house and he walked me to the door so he said i was wondering if this means that there will be more dates or not cause i really do like you and i want us to work so i just wanted to tell you that even if you say no ill be here for you even if were just friends but- look there will bemore dates under a few conditinns ok. he nodded first no sexual anything till im ready he nodded againseconed if i every want out there will be no questions asked it will just be over ok he hesatatied before nodding once again and third i gave him a quik peck and said good night.

So i dont know if im going to ad a part 2 to this or not but if ido the next chapter is up and running also dont expect to here about lyida for a long ass time i will upedate asap

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