time for angst and lahey feels

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So as the beel rings for the class to end i shake isaac awake he looks happy when he looks around i give him a questioning look and he smiles at me less but still there  i ask the question that i thought about thourgh the whole period why do you sob help in your sleep? he stops smileing and turns pale looking at me like im a ghost he stutters for a moment then ask did anyone else hear i say no i calmed you down before that happened i was concerened i say you scared me a little with it but it has to be stoped so why do you do it? i he starts he looks at me on the verg of tears i the hu changes i dont think its any of your business so just leave me alone. he starts to leave but i grabb him and pull im into a hug now ill admit i have like 5-9% of muscle and i am counting the reagulary body muscle that you have from being alive and i hug him tight he wasnt trying to get away i took that ass a good sign so yeah still hugging the the bell rings to show where late so i suggest we skip he says sure and we run to my jeep i say well go get some burgers and head to my house for video games he looks confused and embarresed i ask whats worng putting my other question on the side for awhile he says he hasnt played a game in years i look at him shocked then pull it together and say we shant let that go on any longer and speed from school he looks at me and says really? shant? you have issuses i know i say. So as we go to the drive thourgh i order for me and my dad then ask isaac what he wants he says whatever you got i order it we get some change from the center get the food and we are off to my house i put my dads food in the firdge and take isaac up to my room and i turn around to ask what the las game he played was and hes blusing i just look at him and say whats wrong and he is just blushing more and im like dude im not trying to take your virtue not my style and when we get there he is fully red in the face i smile now why dont we start with halo and progress to - a text to my phone cuts me off its from jackson asking where i am and with who im taken aback by the posseveness and text back at my house i wasnt feeling well and does it matter then turn my phone off now i say since we are here you should answer my question from before he stops and says mydadputsmeinafreezerinthebasementatnight. then looks away tears running from hid eyes and im still shocked that thats whats worng i pull him into hug and he breaks down i say words of comfort feeling i was about to speak when jackson runs up my stairs and from my doorway it looks like isaac is well making a move so jackson grbs him and throws him at the wall


I have been watching him all day at school to makeing sure he is safe and as h brings the other kid home the kid smells like embassement and my mate completly calm i wanted to run to my mate hug him cuddle him and love him i would at any moment protect him till my life endded then a few short minutes pass whe the boyfriend of my mate gets out of his car and runs in the house i get a loning for my mate then i hear the yelling.


me with ne self presevation skills runs and tackles him punching him square in the jaw and then without looking run to isaac who is just dazed i say im so sorry and hug himthen grab my lacross stick and point at jackson saying were done now leave it almost comes out a roar and he stares at me saying im sorry and tries to move toward me when i swing at his head e looks hurt the looks at isaac and says your dead lahey and as he lunges i swing again this time at his stomach and it hits he drops to the gournd and he looks at me and i say he didnt do anything he was crying before you barged in here no get out dont call me dont text me and when and whereevre you see me dont talk to me ever again i swing wildly and scream it again and he gets up moving toward me when a blck figure runs past and bumps me next to isaac i look and its a hulking black wolf he growls at jackson and jackson goes for my lacross stick when the wolf jumps on him and growls loud and meanecing the backs up and jackson runs i hear him fall down the steps and laugh as i hear it then the door slames and im laughing so hard that i dont notice isaac stiffin next to me or the wolf come closer to me wagging his tail his bigger than a normal wolf not twilight bigg but like half that i back up and tell isaac to do what i do thanks to the reasearch paper i did on wolves and some okay lots of reasearch on werewolves i know enough to live i tilt back my neck to show my throat and issac does the same then he comes and licks my neck than isscs then just lays next us and hands me a contoller and closes his eyes i just ignore this and start halo as i exlaine it to him he keeps glanceing at him and i say ignore it.

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