T W O | Meeting Gabe

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{Pic of Gabriel. Edited.}

Beautiful face. Beautiful eyes. A hidden world of hurt and lies.


Life is so unexpected. Anything can happen at any time and at any place and sometimes you don't even realize it. Sometimes life can be perfect but other times it can be a complete mess. For me, my life has always been a mess. Nobody really talked to me which explains why I have no friends. Most people were too afraid to approach me even for a pen, so the idea of someone proposing to me with the idea of friendship was way out the box. No one really liked me because they just judged me by my looks. Now I'm not saying,  I'm an angel because, hell no I'm not, but have they ever heard the phrase, 'never judge a book by its cover'? I guess not.

To be honest, you shouldn't care about the fact that nobody likes you because the question is not why they don't like you. It is why your wasting your time worrying about what they think about you. I'm not hurting anyone with my actions so I just keep moving on in my life.

I choose to be unstoppable. I am bigger than my concerns and worries. The strength of others inspires me daily. I focus on my goal and I trust my institution and live a courageous life. I am strong - I've been through hell and kept walking - I know my weakness. I am worthy - it took me a long time to believe that but I've worked through my unworthiness - I am beautiful and no one needs to convince me of that any more. I've dropped the illusion of not enough. I am perfect, I may have imperfections but that doesn't make me imperfect. I am perfect as I am. I am me. I always thought I was lost and alone but I soon realised I was always with me.

What I've learned is that, life goes on. Whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown or stay behind locked up in the past, thinking of what could have been. 

Currently I'm sitting in my car off to meet my brother after eight long years. Saying goodbye to Jake was harder then I thought. What did you expect? The guy practically raised me. Jake sent me off saying this is not a goodbye because there will be another hello.

My brother Gabe is twenty six right now and we haven't been in touch since the last eight years. Him seeing me now could bring a lot of different reactions. He could not recognise me. He could reject me as his sister because of my behaviour. Or the rarest of them all he accepts me. I've been driving for the past four hours and I'm ten minutes from my destination. I quickly take some deep breaths to calm my nerves as I pull into the driveway. As I got out the car I grabbed my suitcase and made my way towards the front door taking in every aspect of the house.

Gabe's house was a two story crème coloured house. The roof was slightly slanted but otherwise flat and the house consisted of many windows. The front lawn was quite large and well kept. Standing on the front porch I couldn't help but rethink my decision of being here.

What can you do now, your already here might as well go for it.

Listening to the inner me I lifted my hand turning it into a fist and knocked on the door three times before stepping back and waiting for an answer. After 105 seconds - yes, I counted - the door finally opened, but the guy that answered was definitely not my brother. Wrong address? 

The guy in front of me looked in his early twenties with dirty blond hair and ocean blues eyes. I had to admit he was good looking. Too bad I'm not into older men.

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