T W E N T Y - Let It Begin. Once Again.

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{Pic of Skylar. Not Edited}

Song: The scars from the past

Artist(s): Cameron Blackard

Enjoy life today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.


Waking up to Dylan this morning I realized that was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to wake up to Dylan everyday. I wanted his face to be the first thing I want to see every morning. My feelings for Dylan are growing each second of the day and it gets me wondering about the pace we are going at. Dylan and I have been together for a few months but is it still early to say the big 'L' word. I mean he probably thinks it's too early anyway.

"Hey babe" someone whispered behind me. I was late to my third period because I had to make a quick stop at my locker to get some books. The hallway was deserted at this point.

"He-" I stopped short during my greeting when I saw who it was.

"What do you want" I snapped instead making my way around him. That is until a hand gripped onto my forearm - quite tightly may I add - and pulled me back.

"Well, is that mean. You won't greet me?" Jordan mocked pouting

"Let go" I gritted pulling my forearm in order to get him to release it. He only gripped harder.

"Miss me?" He questioned coming closer.

Don't falter. Be strong. Don't show fear.

"No" was all I said before I kneed him in his family jewels. Leaving him on the floor I ran off around the corner and outside the school and behind the bleachers. I need a smoke. I dug around in my pocket for a minute before dragging out a cigarette and lighter. I closed my eyes as I lit it and took a long drag.

"I didn't know you smoked."

The voice startled me but I didn't react. I blew the cloud of smoke into Dylan's face causing him to slightly cough and smirke that crooked smile. "You don't?"

"Not always. Just the odd day" he replied looking back at me. He shoved his hands in his pockets and ealked closer until we were side by side.

"The same goes for me" I replied honestly. I only rarely smoke. It was the only thing that could help me calm down right now otherwise I'd punch a wall. Or someone.

"You wanna skip" Dylan asked and I could see the excitement in his eyes

"I can't. I have a maths exam. Can't afford to miss it" I replied. I would love to skip but alas not everything can go my way. We both stayed silent for a few minutes taking turns to take a drag.

"Now you wanna tell me what's wrong?" Dylan broke the silence. I just looked at him and gave him a small smile shrugging. He playfully bumped his shoulder with mine.

"I'm here for you. You can tell me anything" he came closer taking the cigarette from my lips and throwing it under his shoes and placed his lips in mine. It's true I can tell him anything. I trust him.

"Well...you know that ne-" just before I could finish myself we were interrupted.

"Dylan right?" Jordan asked and continued after Dylan nodded. "Coach wants to see you ASAP".

"I need to go babe, I'll see you at lunch" Dylan pecked me before running off. Ignoring Jordan I started walking the opposite way.

"I don't think you wanna walk away again" he shouted behind me. I just ignored him and continued. He's not worth my time.

"Well, I'll just have to ask your father to meet you himself as your not ready to listen to me." Now that definitely stopped me. Slow my pivoting on my heels i stalked towards him until I had him pinned him on the wall by the neck.

"You'll ask, who, what?" I questioned glaring at him

"Your father" he managed to choke out. Now if I wasn't so angry I would never have the courage to hold Jordan by the neck. But now. Now I'm furious. He cannot and I mean cannot reappear on my life. Seeing Jordan's face turn blue I released him and stepped back. He sank to the floor rubbing his neck.

"He's watching your every move. Who you talk to and where you fight" he continued despite the previous attack. So now he's also a stalker? Great.

"How long has it been since you found me?" I asked feeling uneasy

"A few weeks now. You have cool friends. You wouldn't want anything to happen to them would you?" He taunted

"Don't you dare" my glare fixed on him

"All it takes is one phone call. BOOM. They're gone. Oh and lets not forget about your dear brother and that dumb fire d of his." He continued ignoring my comments.

"You could prevent this though" now my ears perked

"All you have to do is what we say" he leaned back against the wall giving me time to think. Now I'm not like those dumb girls who believe anything anyone says.

"Like I'll believe you" I snorted

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't" he replied removing his phone from his pocket. Clicking it a few times he held it up so it was in front of my eyes. Their it was. The proof. There were three small videos playing on screen. The first one was of Dylan, Zach and Blake. The second one was of Tori and Beth and the Third one of Gabe and Evan. It was all live. They were being watched.

"One call away" I heard Jordan say yet my eyes were locked on the screen. My father and Jordan will not hesitate to hurt these guys. I know from experience.

"What do I have to do?" I whispered not capable of raising my voice. All he did was smirk.

I thought I had already been through hell. I guess I was wrong.

Let it begin. Once again.

{A/N: 3.5k Guys. Goshhhhhh I love you guys so much. Huggggggggggs. Thank you soooo much. You guys mean everything to me. Thank you. This was also kinda of a filler chapter. I have exams so I'm busy revising but I'm also having writers block which sucks. Sorry. Anyway, please...




Lots of love

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