T W E N T Y - F O U R - He Fucking Deserved it - Pt2

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{Gif of Skylar. Not Edited}

Song: It's Always You

Artist (s): Nick Merico

The good things in life are even better with you


When you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible but isn't true love waiting? Anyone can say 'I love you' but not everyone can wait and prove it's true. I love Dylan. I really do. I would choose him over and over, without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing him. 

I've fallen for his laugh, which is utterly contagious. I've fallen for his smile, which makes me giddy for no reason at all. I've fallen for our late night talks, where 1am arrives far too quickly. I've fallen for our jokes, which I would remember days later and laugh at. I've fallen for how he can make my day better even though I wanted to cry the minute before. I've fallen for every second I have sent with him, even if those seconds leave me wanting more. Something I can't have.

If I could give him anything in life, I would give him the ability to see himself through my eyes, only then would he realise how special he is to me. Everyone says love hurts, but that's not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love. But in reality, love is the only thing in the world which covers these things up and makes you feel wonderful again. Me? I had that, but I lost it. 

I've always lost the people I love. You must think I'm used to it by now but I'm not. Every time I lose someone new It's like another dagger to the chest opening the old wounds once again. Which is why I decided, I can't hurt the people I love. I'm gonna tell them the truth. Jordan knows what I have decided as is pretty pissed to say the least.

I hadn't realised the fight I had just won had taken so long to finish. Currently, it was 11:45pm and the roads were deserted. I was absentmindedly walking through the streets lost in my thoughts which is why I couldn't feel the presence of people behind me. When I did it was too late. A blindfold covered my eyes and my hands were tied back not only that but I was also gagged. I would have fought back more efficiently but I was drained from the fight. 

After that all I could to feel was pain. Lots and lots of pain. I knew there were about 4 men because I had seen them before they blindfolded me. At first I only thought they were using fists and foots but I was I was found out that I was wrong when I felt a knife slash my collarbone. This continued for about twenty minutes before they left. I didn't cry. I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction.

"Think about a certain decision you made once again. We wouldn't want your dear friends to be in this position would we?" A familiar voice whispered into my ear. A voice which gave me nightmares. I would have looked up to confirm my suspicion but I was far too drowsy. I felt myself being lifted and being thrown into a car. Literally. 

I woke up the next morning with aches and pains everywhere. I was stupid for thinking I could actually go ahead and tell them everything. If this is what they did to me, I can only imagine what they would do to my loved ones. They knew that would kill me. How did I get home? Gabe was on a business trip so it wouldn't have been hard to dump my bruised body in my room.

I removed the covers from myself and got out of bed ignoring my body's protests. I walked to the bathroom avoiding the mirror not wanting to look at my reflection because I knew no amount of make-up could cover up the damage.  I walked into the shower and hissed when the hot water touched the bruises which decorated my skin. I limped out five minutes later and got dressed in skinny jeans and a long sleeved top along with wearing my hoodie. I wasn't going to risk anyone seeing me like this. I wouldn't have gone to school but I know Jordan would drag my ass out of the house. And anyway these bruises won't go for a month so what's the point of delaying it.

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