N I N E T E E N - He Can't Be Back

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{Pic of Jordan. Not Edited.}

Song: Angel with a Shotgun

Artist(s): The Cab

We sometimes think we want to disappear, but all we want is to be found.


There comes a time when you have to confront your past, chuckle at your mistakes, pick up your pieces and keep marching forward. Yet, I seem frozen. When I look back on my life, I see pain, mistakes and heart ache. When I look in the mirror, I see strength, learned lessons and pride in myself. But, as soon as I saw his face, it all disappeared. He can't be back. How is he out of prison already? 

I didn't realize I had frozen until I felt Dylan shake my shoulders slightly. Looking up at him I saw a concerned expression mask his face. 

"You okay?" He whispered. I looked back up at Jordan, who was now looking directly back at me. My hand gripped onto Dylan's tighter slightly shaking and I instantly looked down. I couldn't help it. He can't be here. Not when everything was finally perfect. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dylan look at Jordan and then me confused. He continued this for a while, yet, he didn't say anything. All he did was rub soothing circles on the palm of my hand. That's what made me realize. Realize that I'm no longer alone. I've got so many people who love and care for me. If he thinks, I'm the same girl I was 3 years ago he's wrong. I'll prove it to him.

Looking back up at him, I saw he had sat down near the front with some jocks, but was in my direct eyesight. Jordan looked up back at me a slight smirk on his lips. This time I didn't look away. Instead I smirked. The smirk which he was wearing was slowly disappeared and a frown replaced it. After a few seconds he slowly turned back around, never to meet my gaze throughout the whole lesson again but, I knew this wasn't the end. It was only the beginning.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

After school I walked out of the school buildings and headed straight to my car. Jumping in, I threw my bag onto the passenger seat and started it. I reversed out of my spot just to see Dylan behind me waving frantically. Stopping the car, I rolled down the window so I could talk to him.

"Wassup?" I asked waiting for him to catch his breath. After a few moments of silence, he leaned down and caught my lips with his, kissing me softly. A few seconds later he moved back and I raised my eyebrows in question. I would have raised only one, but I'm not that talented. He shrugged making me smile.

"There it is" he exclaimed pointing to my lips. He leaned forward until our noses were touching.

"Keep smiling" he whispered kissing my forehead before walking away. Smiling at his retreating figure I let out a sigh I rolled my window back up. Driving out the parking lot, I saw him. Jordan was leaning against a wall looking straight at me. Ignoring him, I made my way home.

. . . . . . . .

"Sky, you wanna watch a movie?" Gabe yelled from downstairs. I hadn't told him about Jordan. Infact, only Jake knows about Jordan because he was there. That was the only part I left out when I talked about my past. I didn't think it was necessary bring it up. Guess I was wrong. I was going to inform Jake about it but then dropped it. I didn't want to worry him.

"Yeah, just give me a second" I yelled back shoving all my English papers to one side and jumping off my bed. That's enough homework for one day. Walking towards the door, I slipped on a hoodie. It was getting cold. Walking downstairs, I could see Gabe sitting on the couch a bowl on popcorn on his laps while his hand held he remote scrolling through the movie list. I plopped down next to him and took a handful of popcorn. 

"What do you wanna watch?" he asked looking at me. I just shrugged. 

"How about Dirty Grandpa?" he asked

"Sure" I replied. Zac Efron was hot.

Not hotter then Dylan

Great, your back.

Hello Motherfuckerrr.

Gabe selected it and placed the remote to the side getting comfy again. As the movie started, I couldn't help but think about Dylan. He has helped me so much over these past months. He completely changed me from an emotionless, broken girl to a laughing, happy girl. He's my strength and the reason I get up everyday.

We were on the part where Zac or Jason was wearing nothing but a hornet fanny pack, partying while highly intoxicated, when I decided to text Dylan. Two simple words. Thank You. His reply came instantly. For what? I smiled before replying. 

He didn't reply back. Great I scared him. Frowning, I placed my phone on the side table and concentrated back on the movie. The movie soon finished and I made my way back upstairs to my bed not forgetting to wish Gabe goodnight. Dylan still hadn't replied.

Opening my door, I didn't bother switching the lights on and closed the door behind me. Removing my hoodie, I walked over to my bed and tiredly slipped under the covers. 

"You could at least say 'Hello'" Jumping up in panic. I flicked the switch on the lamp which rested on the side table. He couldn't really be here, could he? Looking back in the direction the voice came from I saw Dylan. Letting out a sigh I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them.

"I didn't meant to scare you" Dylan said getting up from his seat and sitting next to me

"Yeah, like sitting in my room in the dark and then speaking out of nowhere wouldn't scare me" i replied. 

"After that text, you really though I wouldn't come?" he questioned

"No" I answered truthfully

"If I didn't, who would do this" with that being said he smashed his lips into mine and took my breath away. Literally. After a few minutes he released me but didn't leg go. He just laid down and pulled me closer.

"Thank you" he whispered

"For what"

"For being in my life" With that said he switched of the lamp and we fell into a peaceful slumber. There was nothing which could ruin this.

Atleast, that's what I thought.


{A/N: Hey my Butterflies. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR 2.6K READS. You have no idea how much your love and support means to me. Thank You Sooooooooooo Much!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I'm So Happy!!!!! Damn, Daniel (I'm sorry I had to) Anyway, Do you guys have an idea on who Jordan is? If not you will soon. Also, I'm thinking about changing the name of this book. DM me your suggestions. Please continue gracing me and click the little start to vote. Also comment, and share.

Lots of Love - ME}

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