2. Being Followed

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(Sean's POV)

I've been into many places after my capsule landed on Earth. I've adapted many names. I've been Arnold in some places I forgot, Clarence in Portugal, and Zdravco Enis in Sarajevo. Not long after those worst events happened to me, I settled in Florence, Italy. I country in peace, I'd say. But not all the time. I knew that I'm not always safe. There's no safe place in this world, especially if you know that there are other vicious aliens hunting you down.

You don't even know if they're just around in your place somewhere.

I managed to live a normal life now. Not like before, when I was alone along the streets of Pisa. I found myself a house. It was an abandoned house. No one owns it anymore. I found it one day when it was raining. I had to keep me warm, so I stayed inside the house. I stayed there for six days but no one kicked me out, so I call it mine now.

My Chest was always with me. Of course, it was the only thing that reminds of me of my home back then that was now destroyed. I haven't decided to open it yet. I don't want to spoil to what I would find inside. I wanted to save it when the time comes. And I knew that there are things in there that would be really helpful. I was looking forward for the day when I'm going to be ready and open it. I had to. It will give me at least a chance for survival.

During my travel around the country, my mind was slowly being filled up with Memories. Those Memories are like recaps. It told me about how my planet was destroyed and why are we here. Somehow it helped me find my place. It sustained me and guided me.

I knew then that I was always in danger and I have my own mission to survive.

Living around in Florence wasn't really the best choice to hide. Especially if you just roam around for, like, more than seven years. Italy is one of the famous countries, but I don't think the Mogadorians would feel very suspicious about the country that a Loric Garde might be living somewhere in here. Besides, Italy is big. It will be harder for them to find me, except if it happens that they start looking here in Florence.

My capsule landed somewhere here, although that time I had to travel across the countries, until I decided I should go back here to check and look out for things. It's the only place I could stay. I don't know where my capsule is right now but if someone's already discovered it, I don't care. I'm not planning to get back there. It's useless.

One of the stories the Memory told me, was about the eighteen Lorics – nine Garde and nine Cêpans – who had the charm. They were supposed to die in order. It was cool, but now I don't know if they are still alive. Or if most of them died already. I don't have any idea about them.

I searched for them sometimes. Or even from the four Garde I'm with. But it was no luck. Even once, I never heard of them. From news, from the TV, from the internet and whatnots. Though, one time I heard a news about a girl in Argentina who lifted a car to save a man. After that, there were many news but I discover them as fakes and not true at all. I guess I will know if some of them were true if I see their faces.

Sometimes I just thought that none of these are true. That I'm just trapped in a dream and I needed to wake up now. It was hard to believe that I'm here, alone, and trying to survive and find the others as much as possible. It seems like I'm going to give up now.

But every time I think of that, the Memories always drag it down. I don't know how it works, actually, but the Memory looks like a reminder. Some of it showed me the past things that happened to me that didn't really happened to me. It's more like a déjà vu, but totally not a déjà vu.

It helped me. It showed me stories during my sleep. More like a dream, but I knew it was the Memory. And I'm not even a hundred percent sure that it didn't really happened. The events were so real, so part of me thinks it was still true.

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