29. Powerless

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(Greyson's POV)

Miraculously, a Mog guard came in a while ago to bring us food. Clara and I fill our stomach with the limited food they gave us.

To me, it tastes like steel.

I discussed with Clara what I need to do when I get out of here. She asked me once if I ever found my brother when I left Australia. The answer is, of course, no. It was a trap in Brazil, instead I found Fifteen and Rex. I told her my experiences when I was gone. I told her about everything... Eleven, my father, the secrets of the pendants. She also told me hers when she was kidnapped along with the other teenagers. Mostly, the reason she was taken is because she was used as a bait. And also, as a daughter of a Greeter. The good things is, she wasn't hurt. They did't hurt her, probably because they are busy on something. I knew they are preparing for war. They have no time for experimenting humans. Even me, a big deal Loric for them, they thought I'm a waste of time.

"The Mogs' lieutenant is named Rolin-Ev," I tell Clara. "He mentioned about John's group. Who is John?"

Clara knits her eyebrows. "John... does he mean, John Smith?"


"You don't know him? Oh my gosh, he is so popular in TV. He was the one who caused a destruction in USA. Ohio, if I'm not mistaken."

"He is a Garde. He leads the other Garde," I mutter. I'm finally getting it. "Whoever he is, he must be a really important Garde. How about the Young One, do you know anything about it?"

Clara shakes her head. "Nope. Never heard of that."

"The Mog told me something about Setrakus Ra. He said he's ready to take over the world," I said.

"Maybe that's the reason why this Mogadorian tower is exposed."

I nod. "Setrakus Ra is trying to deceive me through my dream. He showed me the destruction of cities and his gigantic ship. But how can we even stop him?"

"Look, you don't have to worry. You said John Smith is out there. He belongs to the Garde. I'm sure he's doing something to stop this."


"If there's something you have to worry about, it's yourself," Clara sets her eyes filled with wonders in it right at mine. "You are so tensed and... stressed."

"Maybe I am," I tell her. "I wanted to get out here so badly."

Clara takes of her jacket and rips a piece of it into a long strip. She pulls my arms and begin covering my wound with it.

"You didn't tell me you're wounded."

"I- I can't. I feel fine."

She ties the bond. "If you want to help John and your friends against the Mogs, you have to be stronger. Specially now that you don't have your Legacies..."

I smile. I can't help it. I wanted to kiss her and thank her. But I feel so lucky to have her, battling against our problems alongside with me.

"I-" I start, pulling her hands and hold on to it. But before I can say what I want to say, a Mog banged the cell's bars, calling our attention.

"Lieutenant will come to speak to you, scum. But you'll have to go with us," he says. He was holding a gun on his right arm.

I walk closer to him, balling my fist. "Where is he?"

"Rec room. Now, turn around!" He yells.

I look at Clara. She nods for me to go. So I turn around and just close my eyes. I hear the sound of the cell door opening. The Mog chains my hands.

"I'll be back," I tell Clara.

"Silence!" The Mog yells at me.

We enter a white room with no windows. Just walls. Lt. Rolin-Ev was already sitting at a rectangular table, holding a screened gadget that looks like a radar vision of something.

"Sit down, Loric," he says at once. I can't bear to speak. "I sent you here to talk to you, not kill you. Like I said, it's not my decision to make. We have laws here, only the higher position can do that."

The other Mogs in the room left the room to give their lieutenant privacy. Meanwhile, he just stare at me with the same sinister look. I didn't know Trueborns are capable of thinking clearly.

"Anyway, your Legacies are of big help to us, as Dr. Cazrof used them to transfer to one of our respectable member." He smirk. As if I know who's this respectable member he's talking about.

"Through your telepathy, we are able to track the other Garde. Numbers Fifteen and Eleven, am I right."

"Don't touch them, you freaking monster!" I hiss.

He laughs, then raise the screen he's holding. It shows the map of Europe. There are blue dots blinking in some places. "These places are the ones they've been to. But of course, the last place they have been is Croatia and after that, who knows where they went? Italy? Greece? The thing here is, once this respectable member wakes up from the Legacy transference, he will be able to use the legacy to talk to them and lure them. You would't believe me that our plan is swiftly working. You will be surprised."

I bow my head. I can't take it all in. What if he's lying? And who is this respectable member, anyway? Is it Rex? What is happening, exactly?

Lt. Rolin-Ev stands up from his seat.

"Thirteen, you are a strong Garde, no doubt. But you without your legacies, you are powerless. You can't do anything. So, why not just tell us now where they are?"


"I figured you'd say that."

I looked at the mirror-wall in front of me. I can see how badly I look. My heterochromic eyes are not clearly seen anymore. My hair grew long and I look like I've been crawling in sewers. I remember Fourteen by looking at myself. Where is he?

Lieutenant took something behind him: a phone. It's ringing until he answers it.

"Sir, he's here. He's awake," the voice from the phone says.

"Very well," Lieutenant answers. "Tell him to wait."

Who's awake? Is it Setrakus Ra? What's going on now?

The Mog turns off the phone and stares at me again. "Your death will come very soon, Thirteen. All of you. And if I will be assigned to kill, I'll be the one to cut your throat."

I give him a stare. "And once I have my Legacies back, I will be the one to crush your head and let your stupid brain scatter everywhere." I spit at him.

Suddenly, he throws a punch on my jaw as I struggle on my chair. "YOU WILL DIE!"

He walks out of the room and slam the door.

I was left now all alone. I want to go back to my cell because I'm really useless, like they said.

I can't believe this will be the last place I will be at before I die. But the good thing is that, they haven't found exactly where Fifteen and Eleven are. If this person who stole my telepathy became successful, then I will be damned. But no, I can't let that happen.

Right now, all I know is that, in a few more days will be the day Fifteen, Eleven and Twelve will meet me at Chicago. Only if they are successful.

But one thing is for sure: I will not be able to meet them in Chicago.

The Return of Twelve (A Lorien Legacies Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ