18. We Blow Up The Factory

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(Fifteen's POV)

The sky turns dark when Eleven and I reach the factory. It's going to rain, and we have to enter the building as fast as we can. Without being seen nor heard by Mogs.

Greyson's voice ring in my ears. Be safe, Fifteen, he said.

Putting ourselves into danger is never part of our plan. So of course, we will be safe. We'll try to be safe from the Mogs. I know how dangerous they can be. Especially with their weapons. But we Garde are more powerful, I know that too. We just need more time to train.

"Here's our plan," I tell Eleven. "We have to get separated and-"

"Separate?" Eleven squeek.

"Yes, why?"

"Is that really necessary? I-I can't go there alone, Fifteen."

I sigh. "Alright we'll stick together then. But, you have to go ahead. I'll be right behind you for cover. We'll try to find their main office or control room. Whatever it's called. My theory is that, these people with black liquids are controlled by the Mogs."

"That means...?"

"That means they are programmed to fight and kill us. The Lorics. Unless we kill those who control them. Besides, they are innocent. We can't kill them."

Eleven nods. "Understood."

"Let's go," I say as we stealthy walk in the factory. Inside, noises barrage from steelworks and a lot of other activities these mutated humans are doing. They are trying to build something. A weapon maybe. Or a ship. Surrounding these humans are the Mogs. They are in their black long coats, with weapons hanging from their shoulder and chest. Their eyes are dark and beady, like the ones I've seen before. Looking at them gives me creeps.

I cover Eleven and I with invisibility using my illusions so that we can ensure our safety. Mogs are dangerous. We don't want to get killed right away.

The noise continue; there are weildings and hammerings. The reason why the mystery behind this is keep on going in news is because the government does nothing. No wonder, the government might even been connected with all these.

Eleven is right, I see some of our neighbors in the Lodge at the center. They help the other humans do their task.

We have to destroy this place as soon as possible.

Eleven start to walk straight ahead, looking for rooms and other facilities. The other rooms we check are just empty. But at last room, it is dark inside. We try to get in but it's locked

"How?" Eleven mouths without voice.

I raise my hand for her to signify wait. Then I create an illusionary key. I insert it inside the knob and quickly, it clicks open.

Suddenly, we hear heavy footsteps from afar. Eleven and I exchange looks and abruptly get inside the dark room. The good thing is, nobody's inside. The footsteps walk right past the room. 

That was close.

Eleven takes something from behind her and click something until a low light flashes out from it.

"Where did you get that?" I ask.

"Emergency supply?" She says, which sounds unsure. She stands up and scan the room with it. She shines the light at a massive computer in front of us. In the corner is a dead man with a stab in the neck. This must be the previous operator, killed by Mogs for them to operate.

The questions is, what are they trying to build?

I plug in the computer and turn it on. I have a bit skills in handling a computer so I know how this stuff works. Eleven stare at how I do it. The screen lits up, showing various applications and other softwares. There are photos that shows different maps. Mogs have indeed taken over this computer.

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