8. In Threat

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(Sean's POV)

It's an ordinary day again in Florence.

I went to school and attend my first class in Philosophy. I've been a neutral person, believe me. Sometimes, I really do enjoy studying. Sometimes I don't. If you call that a neutral type, well then, I guess I am that. But most occasionally, I am both. I can't decide, you know.

This morning, I am late.

I quickly ran to my classroom and swiftly entered, removing my bag. My classmates stare at me but Professor was writing on the board when I got in. Lucky! He did not see me.

"I see you, Mr. Hummington," Professor suddenly says as I freeze in my feet. "Why are you late?"

I turn around. "Oh, sorry. I got... Late."

He snort. "Yeah, obviously. Now sit down and copy the writings on the board."

I smile. One of my classmates laugh in the corner. When I look closer, it's Dean. Why on Earth is he here in the same class with me?

I slide on my seat and begin to write on my notebook.

"Alright, class, as you can see, studying Philosphy is quite difficult. So before we delve deeper, we start with the basic lessons and concepts..." Professor says.

To be honest, I didn't like human philosophy. Loric Philosophy is far more interesting that the subject. So I fell asleep on my seat. Fortunately, Professor did not call for my attention for sleeping in his class or whatever. Because before I know it, the bell suddenly rings.

When I wake up, everyone begins to leave. Except for Dean.

"Well, well, well," he starts. "If it isn't for the weird guy.".

"Don't try me, Dean. Not now. Never," I say, hooking up my bag and begin to walk away from him.

"You don't walk away with me!" He says louder, but I ignore him. Until suddenly, I feel a jab behind me and made me stop. "What is it on you? Why is it that whener I look at you, you're giving me a death stare huh? It's getting weird and freaky."

"Stay away from me," I say.

Dean laughs. Then he throw another punch right on my face. But before he can do that, I dodge it and punch his rib instead. He stumbles.

"I told you, stay away. If my gazes bother you then don't look at me."

"Piece of crap," he curses, wiping his mouth to see traces of blood. "Little pricking mistake. But this is not the end, Sean. Not yet."

I walk towards him and threaten him with another punch, but he ran away. "I dont like brats like you."

Suddenly, I hear a loud bang at the back part of the room. When I turn, I saw a girl in glasses. She drop her book, mouth opened.

"What was that all about?" She yelp.

I abruptly feel nervous. She can't tell this to anyone. "Uh, sorry. Look-"

"You are so cool."

I stammer. "What?"

"I mean, you hit that guy? Dude, that was Dean? The biggest bully in here!"

"I know!"

She picks up her book and walk towards me clapping. "Well, that's nice, uh...?"

"Oh, Sean," I say.

"Yeah, Sean. Hearing from that guy, you seriously need to avoid him. You have no idea what he's capable of."

I laugh. "It was nothing, really. Let him do what he wants. He also have no idea what I'm capable of."

The girl laughs too. "Well, good luck. I'm Lucy, by the way."

Then she was gone. I think I just impressed a girl. A smile creep across my face. I'm about to leave the room when a figure caught my attention right at the window. My smile fade. A dark blurry man ran passed. He was in a coat. I knew him. I recognize his appearance back home. This is going crazy.

Quickly, I went out of the school and head straight to my apartment. I closed the widows and everything that will expose me from the outside. My fear intensified. I know it is a Mogadorian. They are already here. I'm not safe anymore.

I look for my Chest and found it under my bed. I need to start training now. Instead of thinking of a way to deal with Dean and to study as well, I need to focus on helping myself for now.

So, for the first time, I open my Chest up and see what I got.

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