The Offer

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"Hey,Liz.I haven't seen you and Kris hanging around.Is there something going on between you two?"Daphne asked.

"I don't know.He always disappear.."I replied.

"Disappear?"she asked again.

Shoot!I completely forgot!! I turned to her.Her face was wearing a questioned look.

"I-I mean,he wandered off.You know going somewhere,"I smiled,fake.Trying not to blow the cover.


 While we were walking,Kris appeared.

"Kris!!"I said.

"Hey,"he smiled.

"Where have you been?Liz was so worried!!"Daphne exclaimed.

I glared at her for a moment then look back at Kris.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"he asked.

I nodded,"Yeah,sure."


"So what's up?"I asked.

"I'm not a human,right?"he asked.

I nodded.

"I might leave your side anytime,right?"

"Kris,here we go again.."

"Liz,this is important."

I wanted to walk away but the word "important" made me turn to him.

"I want you to get close to Sam,"he said directly.

"What?!What are you saying?!"my blood boiled when I heard that.

"Please,I beg you.You deserve a real human.Not me.Someday I will have to leave your side without you knowing,"he begged.

I knew this would happen.What should I do?Should I accept or ignored what he said.But he's right.I might get hurt and stop trusting them again.I turned to him.I first took a deep breath.

"Fine.I accept your offer,"I stated.

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