Chapter 7: Con #4

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Con #4: Eventually that one tiny lie catches up with you and there's nothing you can do about it, sad.

The whole day passed like a blur, all I could think about was my vastly approaching meeting with Jared. All I could see was his sugar-grey eyes and his sexy smile...ugh! Talk about infatuation right?

It sort of reminded me of the time I was 13 and had a massive crush on Iron Man, but then, what 13 year old didn't have a crush on him...right? Or is that slightly creepy?

I sure as hell wasn't going to ask Conner for advice because he just kept telling me to go with the flow, and I couldn't ask Lola for help because well...he was her brother and it would be awkward and I wouldn't know how and where to start.

Waiting for Conner and Lola outside was taking ages, so I started weighing out my options;

1.       Pretend it never happened and move on with my sad life.

2.       Switch off my phone and hope he doesn't call me, ever.

3.       Leave the country.

4.       Change my identity.

5.       Get run over by a bus.

6.       Become a cross dresser and join the circus.

Ok so basically I had no option, I couldn't just pretend it didn't happen, when in fact, it did. If I pretended otherwise, it would chew on my conscious forever. Switching off my phone wasn't an option because I'd just switch it back on again. Leaving the country or changing my identity wouldn't work seeing as I'm a minor and had literally no savings. Getting run over by a bus was also definitely out of the question because I have zero pain tolerance.

So it was either become a cross dresser and join the circus, or confront my fears and meet up with Jared.

I guess I chose meeting Jared over joining the circus because after Conner and I dropped off Lola at her house, he drove me straight to the park, before I left the car, he smirked at me wickedly and said,

"Use protection."

I was embarrassed and I'm sure my colouring went up a bit too. Seeing Jared leaning against the tree watching the ocean didn't help either. He just looked so darn good.

He turned around when I was near, almost as if sensing my presence, crazy right?

We just starred at each other, the electricity in the air going up again. I could swear the temperature just went up by 20 degrees.

What was with this guy that made me want to tear my clothes off?! He brought out the sex-crazed teen in me, which isn't normal, at all. It both excited and scared me that he could make me feel this way without even having to touch me. Just his eyes moving up and down my body made me feel hot all over.


"Hey..." I said,  my voice sounding hoarse for some strange reason.

"Hey yourself" he said, with that loop sided smile of his.

"So..." I said, shamelessly not even trying to stop myself grinning.

I couldn't help it, I just couldn't stop the smile forming at my lips, and it had been what> 2-3 days?

"I had a feeling about it so I take half the blame..." he said, looking serious.

Way to kill the mood.

"No, It's my fault, I should have told you the truth from the beginning, it's know..." I couldn't say it, I blushed, instead.

He chuckled, then said, "Yeah, I do know."

Then it was silent again, but not that awkward silence, it was that silence where the both of us were remembering how ehh...productive our previous meetings had been. This was by far the longest conversation we'd ever had.

He took my hand, pulled me close, put his palm on the small of my back and kissed me, slowly.

It was just a mere couple of seconds, but we were both breathless, he pulled away first.

Well at least one of us had some sort of control. I felt so ashamed. I was practically throwing myself at this random HOT older guy who I just met and happened to be my best friend's brother.

"We really need to stop doing this..." he said, smiling, still holding me in his arms.

"Yeah, I know..." I said, but it didn't stop me from kissing him. He moaned, and I smiled.

Brownie points for me!

He stopped us again, then we went and sat by the benches. He looked like he was thinking hard.

This couldn't possibly end well...

"Kate, exactly how old are you?"





"I'll be 18 in a couple of weeks"

He cursed and I closed my eyes, even though it wasn't directed at me, it still hurt. He was angry with himself. But I guess I was happy that he wasn't angry with me.

He was silent then.

"Thank you for not being angry with me Jared..." I didn't know what else to say.

He smiled that smile of his and said,

"I am- well I was, up until I saw you. You're driving me crazy sweet...sweet Kate. I was going to give you one hell of a shouting, but the minute I saw you, all I could think about was the last time we were alone together..." I blushed, again.

"So what now?" I asked.

He was quiet again, then finally,

"Well, this, whatever 'this' is has to stop," I opened my mouth to protest, but he stopped me,

"For one thing, it's illegal, the other thing, you're my kid sisters best friend so it doesn't feel right, and she would hate me for eternity after this is all over and done, because she would think it's my fault, me being the responsible adult here."

I guess he was right, but it also hurt a little that he thought our 'relationship' wasn't going anywhere.

I felt so cheap and used. But anyway it's not like I expected to marry the guy.

"You're right." I said, and I knew there was nothing more to be said.

"Well, see you around Jared..." I said, standing up.

"Take care of yourself Kate, I hope u don't make it a habit to go into nightclubs and hook up with random men. The next guy might not be as nice as me." He said, then he turned and walked away.

As I was walking home, I had a feeling that this was not goodbye...


Hey guys! What do you think so far? :)

Let me know in the comments and please vote and follow! check out my other more PG rated stories too >.<

I'm (slowly) writing and updating my other 'pros and cons' stories - I want to do a whole series.

thanks for reading :)



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