Chapter 18: Con #10

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Con #10 - Not knowing what he's thinking

"So are you planning on living on my couch for the rest of your life?" Connor said, sitting next to me.

It had been two days since the dreaded dinner at Mark's house and two days since I'd spoken to Jared. Clearly he didn't care. I wasn't even able to will myself to go to work...not that it was his fault...partly.

"Connor if he felt even a little bad for flirting shamelessly in front of me with Veronica he would have called by now. They're probably tangled up in each others arms on our bed right now..." I felt the tears forming at my eyes. I hated crying, I really did, but these days it seemed like the only thing I could do was cry.

"Katie you did just walk out with no word whatsoever, and no I'm not taking his side BUT it wouldn't hurt if you texted him first too you know..." Connor said. I guess he was right, but I wasn't going to text Jared first. I wasn't going to be the weak one.

"What if I got kidnapped and was being held for ransom right now? He doesn't care Connor" The ache in my heart was becoming unbearable.

"You're pouting again Katie, all I'm saying is, you shouldn't have just walked out without saying anything"

"I couldn't just sit there and watch as he and Veronica were practically eye fucking each other"

"But you told him you don't mind if he continues seeing her..." He had a point.

I felt sick. For the past two days I'd been feeling light headed and having horrible migraines. I tried to stand up but the pain was too much.

"You feeling okay Katy?" Connor asked.

I just needed some water that's all. I tried standing up a sharp pain in my stomach caused me to fall down and when I made contact with the floor everything became dark.

When I came too I was in a hospital bed, my mom was sitting by my bedside holding my hand. I hadn't seen her or any of my family since the wedding. I didn't realise how much I'd missed her. I mean, we didn't have the loving mother-daughter relationship but she was always there for me when I needed her.

"Mom" I said, my voice sounding hoarse.

"You're up! Let me get the doctor" She said, rushing to the door and calling for the doctor.

They walked in together and he was saying something to me but I really wasn't paying attention. I felt exhausted. All I heard was that the baby was fine and that I'd need to take care of my health or something like that about being stressed.

The doctor finally left mom and I alone.

Well this was awkward.

"How are you feeling angel?" She asked.

"I'm okay mom, sorry for causing you all this trouble" I said.

"Katie if something is wrong you know you can..." my mom started but was interrupted by the door bursting open.

It was Jared. His eyes were a bloodshot red.

I guess my mom sensed the tension cos she quickly excused herself. She had never really taken a liking to Jared, considering he was the man who had impregnated her innocent 18 year old daughter.

He sat on the chair and looked at me intently but didn't say a word. It was all a bit too awkward for me.

"Hi" what else was I supposed to say.

He continued sitting there in silence and then got up to leave. A couple of minutes later he was back, but with Connor this time.

"Connor!" I was happy to see him. He walked over and kissed my forehead.

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