Chapter 19: Pro #9

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Pro #9 - Breakfast in bed and presents aren't so bad

I woke up to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. This was the second week in a row that Jared had been making me breakfast everyday before he left for work. It was also two weeks since Jared and I had sex. I tried not to think about it though, it was depressing. I mean I was showing now and I'm pretty sure pregnant women didn't exactly ooze sex appeal. But if he wasn't having sex with me, was he getting it somewhere else? Was he sleeping with Veronica? Is that why he didn't wanna sleep with me anymore?

"Baby I'm gonna leave for work now, do you want anything?" Jared said from the door, snapping me out of my daze.

I just shook my head and he left. The tears started streaming from my eyes and I wiped them away. I hated crying. I know I lived with Jared but I missed him. I missed the intimacy. I miss the Jared I met when I was still innocent and naïve, the Jared who'd shamelessly flirt with me until I was red all over. These days he barely touched me, we didn't even cuddle.

Maybe it was the hormones and maybe I was just overreacting.

I walked my sorry ass to the kitchen and started indulging in the meal Jared prepared for me. I was barely halfway through my meal when the doorbell rang.

"Mrs Morales?" The delivery guy said when I got to the door. My heart skipped a bit. I was yet to get used to that name.

"Uh Yes?" I stuttered a bit.

"A package for you, just sign here" he said, handing me a clipboard.

I thanked him and walked back to the kitchen. I finished my meal first and opened the present. Of course it was from Jared. Ever since the incident two weeks ago he'd been bringing me gifts every other day.

It was a pink teddy bear with a red heart saying 'I love you'. My heart skipped a bit. Of course Jared didn't love me, I wasn't even sure he liked me. He barely tolerated me because I was carrying his child and our parents had forced this marriage on us. Even after telling myself that, the swell of emotion in my chest didn't go away.

I spent the whole day watching the food network. Ever since I found out I was pregnant, my appetite had increased a whole lot. I was always hungry. I was concentrated on the show so much I didn't hear the door open.

"Kate!" Mark said from the kitchen.

I stood up and the bag of crisps on my lap fell on the floor. I laughed at my own clumsiness.

"I'll clean that up just now" I said awkwardly looking at Jared. He just shrugged.

"Come here you" Mark said opening his arms. I hugged him and he nearly squeezed the life out of me, if it wasn't for Jared clearing his throat.

"How have you been" I asked as we set by the kitchen counter.

Mark and I made small talk. It was pleasant to talk to him and I was actually enjoying his company.

"And who's this little guy" he said, reaching for the teddy bear Jared got me.

"Oh! that's my teddy bear, Jared got him for me isn't he the cutest" I knew I was practically beaming but I couldn't help it.

"I think it's a she, because it's pink" Mark said laughing at me.

"Mark shouldn't you be heading home? Kate and I have to get a few groceries and it's getting late" Jared said from behind. He'd showered and changed during the time Mark and I were chatting. Did he have to look so good? And did his eyes have to be so piercing?

Jared left me by the meat isle because he forgot his wallet in the car. I was getting a little cold as I was standing directly in front of the freezer. I moved back and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry..." I said, helping the guy pick up the things he'd dropped.

"It's okay. I haven't seen you around here before, did you just move here?" he asked while picking up the last of his stuff.

"You could say that..." I said smiling.

"You alone?" He asked frowning.

"Uh..." I started but he interrupted me.

"Of course you're not, pretty girls like you wouldn't be shopping alone" he said and I laughed.

"You need any help buddy" Jared barked from behind us.

The guy just smiled at me and said "See you around."

Jared took my hand and was nearly yanking me through the store.

"Do you mind slowing down" My feet were hurting.

He seemed to realize that he was being slightly mental and slowed down. He didn't let go of my hand though.

"Are you sure you have everything you need?" Jared asked when we got to the till.

I nodded. I was feeling bad again because Jared always paid for everything so of course I couldn't go all out and grab every single food I was craving.

"Did you get another tub of ice cream? I noticed the one in the fridge is finished" Jared asked.

"No, I don't really need it and we've already got so much..." Jared didn't even  let me finish. He dashed off somewhere and came back with a tub of strawberry ice cream and some biscuits.

"There was no chocolate" He smiled.

"It's ok, I like strawberry" I said blushing. Jared was being so sweet to me lately. I mean minus the whole him being repulsed by my body and not wanting any sort of intimacy, he was literally being the perfect man. My heart fluttered. I was getting way ahead of myself, crossing into a dangerous zone. I didn't want to start having any more feelings for Jared. I was going to get hurt I just know it.

"Baby if you need anything at all, tell me. If I don't take care of you who will?" Jared said, cupping my face before kissing my forehead. I was getting hot all over.

The nice lady at the counter smiled at us and congratulated us on the baby. I was going to have to get used to the fact that now that my baby bump was showing, my pregnancy was no longer hidden.

Jared and I walked to the car in comfortable silence. I was lost in my thoughts the whole way home. I was starting to feel something really deep for Jared and it scared me because I knew he would never feel that way about me. I was nowhere in his league.

I had to get myself in check before it was too late.


Hey ya'lls here's an update (a crappy one at that!)

I'm suffering from a heavy dose of writers block but all the lovely messages I got motivated me to get this up so THANK YOU!

Please vote/comment/ follow if you're enjoying the story it reaaallllyyyy means a lot! :)

Thanks for reading



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