Chapter 17: Con #9

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Con #9 - Insecurities

"I can't just leave her at home..." Jared was on the phone and I was of course eavesdropping. This seemed to be happening a lot lately, if you count the last time and this time as 'lately'. And I never got anything out of it except a hurt pride and little sting in my heart. But hey, life right?

"She's my wife Veronica.." Right on cue. Of course it was her, Ms fiery red curls and to die for body. How was I expected to compete with that when I had a baby bump and an unpredictable bladder. Not to mention the random crying and hunger pangs which demanded I pig out with no shame.

I mean I know I was nowhere in the same league as she, that is why I never even for a split second lied to myself that Jared and I would ever be 'together'. If that makes sense.

When Jared walked back into the bedroom I quickly closed myself in the bathroom and hoped he didn't notice that I had been eavesdropping.

He knocked on the bathroom door, "Are you done yet? We should get going soon if we hope to be back early"

"5 minutes" I called out.

What should I do? pretend to fall sick and excuse myself from the dinner so I don't get in Jared  and Veronica's way? But I'd just reaffirmed that I was getting ready for the dinner.

I walked out the bathroom door and Jared handed me my phone, "A call" He said with an emotion I couldn't read.

"Hello?" It was Connor.

"Connor" I immediately lit up. Whenever I felt like everything was going downhill my friends always seemed to come to the rescue.

"Busy tonight?" He asked from the other end of the phone.

Thinking about it burst the little bubble I was in.

"Yeah, dinner with Jared's friends"

"Do you absolutely have to go? I can come pick you up and we go to the movies, Lo's always working these days and I have no one else" I could literally see him doing the puppy dog eyes.

"Next time, I already said I'd go...can't exactly back out"

"Mkay can't be helped I guess. Let me find some sort of entertainment. Love you"

"Love you too I'll text you later" I said and hung up.

"Nice screensaver" Jared said, when were in the car on they way to Mark's.

Had he been going through my phone?

"It's cute right?" I asked. It was a picture of me and Connor from the other week when we went for frozen yogurt and I had chocolate syrup all over my face.

"If you're into that sort of thing" He said.

He looked disgusted or disturbed at the thought of my screensaver. I know it was a bit childish but I wasn't going to change it. I didn't want to start doing things for Jared's sake, or rather to please Jared. He had a sure way of always making me feel like I was immature and didn't belong in his world. Well no shit Sherlock. I was 18, pregnant and struggling to finish my high school diploma whereas he was 29 years old and already established as a respected person in the media industry or whatever you call it. Sue me for putting up a picture of me sticking out my tongue and covered in chocolate.

"You didn't have to come you know that" Jared said, pulling into the parking.

Oh now he says that.


Cue sinking feeling in stomach.

"You should have said earlier, I would have stayed. I will try not to embarrass you in front of your colleagues" I said quietly.

Compared to Jared, Mark lived in a cute picket fenced house in a suburban area. I guess he didn't like the city life that Jared seemed to live for.

"Welcome, right this way" Mark said opening the door with a smile.

He ushered us to the lounge where Veronica was laughing at something the lady sitting next to her said.

Jared cleared his throat and they look in our direction.

"Jared! it's been ages" The other lady said, standing up and giving Jared a hug. What was with all the touchy-ness.

"Kate, this is my sister in law Catalina, she's visiting for the weekend" Mark said, introducing us. Wow she was a looker. Were there no other regular looking folk apart from myself.

"Hi, pleasure to meet you" I said quietly and she flashed an award winning smile at me. I started feeling sorry for myself. Hormones be damned.

"That's that, we can get settled at the dinner table now I'm famished!" Mark said.

Mark, his sister in law and myself went to the dining room and seated ourselves. Jared and Veronica stayed behind in the lounge.

"They're just wrapping up some work" Mark said. He must have seen me looking in their direction. I shrugged. As much as I didn't want to care, I did. It bothered me that Jared was smiling so seductively at Veronica and she seemed to be  eating up every word he said. I wonder what 'work' they were discussing.  Jealousy was sure a nasty thing.

A good 45 minutes went by and Jared and Veronica were still in the lounge. A couple of minutes before, Veronica had come to get two glasses of wine from the table. She didn't even look my way, and why would she right?

I just really couldn't do it anymore. Sitting here with no appetite whilst Mark and his sister in law were engrossed in their conversation and Jared and Veronica were nowhere to be found was really no fun.

I excused myself, "Mark, thanks for dinner but I need to get going, I need to rest I'm starting at my new job tomorrow morning" I said standing up.

"Let me get Jared..." Mark started but I cut him off,

"No need, I already texted my friend to come get me" I said and he walked me to the door.

In all honesty I was actually starting to feel a bit lightheaded and running short of breath. Be careful what you wish for I guess.

I walked a few blocks and found where Connor was parked.

"Thanks for coming" I said, getting in the car.

"You look unwell, is everything okay?" Connor asked, frowning.

"I just needed to get out of there" My voice cracked. I kept telling myself it was the hormones but I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I wanted Jared's undivided attention and it hurt a little that he preferred the company of his 'ex' girlfriend to mine.

"Let's get you home" Connor said.

"I can't go back to that apartment" At least not tonight.

"My place?" Connor asked.

"You don't mind?" I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"Not at all" Connor said, smiling at me.

"I don't know what I would do without you" and with that Conner started the engine.

I just needed sometime away from Jared. Tomorrow I would go back and figure out how I was going to make things less awkward between us. I didn't want to intrude in Jared's life more than I already had.


Hi hellooooo hola :)

Please vote/comment  if you like the story and want to read more. It really motivates me when I know what you guys are thinking and how you feel about the characters.

Whos shipping Jared/Veronica and whos shipping Jared/Kate. what about Connor/Kate ;)

Thanks for reading :)



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