Chapter 16: Pro #8

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Pro #8 - When it's good, it's really good

I woke up sore, all Jared's doing of course. Last night he did all sorts of things to my body and my heart. He was gentle the first few times but then he lost. To put it simply, Jared fucked me like his life depended on it. I blushed just thinking about it. Maybe it was the hormones but I woke up feeling this strange emotional attachment to Jared. As if on cue,

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jared asked, walking in shirtless.

Looking at him now I started tearing up. I can safely say today is the strongest I've ever felt for Jared.
I know it was these damn baby hormones but when I woke up this morning I just wanted to be near Jared. I wanted to look into his eyes till my chest hurt from all the emotions that felt like they were about to burst from inside. Maybe it was the sex. It had been a while...

"Nothing, I'm just being silly" I said, quickly wiping away the tears.

"What time is the doctors appointment, I have an important meeting at 12" Jared asked.

Great, way to get me off my high horse.

"It's at 11, but we can reschedule" I knew I shouldn't have told him about it in the first place. I was setting myself up for disappointment.

My heart sank.

He looked at his watch, "Well it's 10.30 now, if you shower quickly we could make it to both" He said.

"Okay, I'll be 10 minutes"

We made it to the doctors appointment on time but in all the rush I couldn't grab something to eat. My stomach grumbled.

"Hungry?" The doctor asked, walking in with Jared from wherever they'd gone. 

"Just a little" I said.

"Well let me not keep you any longer, your husband promises to take great care of you" The doctor said.

The drive to Jared's office was a silent awkward one. I wondered if he was mad at me for making him come.

"My assistant will show you to the staff bakery, get whatever you want, the doctor said you're a bit underweight" He said frowning at me.

When Jared went upstairs for his 'important meeting' a guy I recognized walked towards me smiling.

"Kate, hello" He said smiling, extending an arm.

His name escaped me.

"Hi uh..." I flushed. I couldn't remember his name but he was Jared's best man at the wedding. Major facepalm.

"It's Mark" He said, laughing at my embarrassment. How could I forget Jared's best friend's name.

"Mark, it's a pleasure to see you again. I'm terrible with names"

"No problem. Pregnancy brain is a real thing. Things must be going well between you two for Jared to bring you here" He said winking. I blushed again.

I didn't know what to say.

"Where you looking for Jared?" He asked when I didn't say anything.

"No, no I was actually waiting for his assistant to show me to the bakery.

"I was just headed there myself, if you will" He said, extending an arm for me to take.

Mark was actually really funny. I found myself laughing to the point of tears coming out from my eyes. We were seated on some couches and I was having a hot chocolate with a blueberry muffin.

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