Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Earlier that night

Melanie's life was great. She'd finished all her exams at University and now she had no responsibilities except for to look after herself. This means that she should be happy, right? But she wasn't. No matter how many times she tried to convince herself that not having to deal with a kid was the best thing that ever happened to her, she knew that it wasn't. Well, it was - in the sense that she'd been able to focus on her studies and she was on track to completing University with a first degree in Law. But, she missed her baby boy. She missed kissing his chubby cheeks as she handed him over to his childminder. She missed his soft baby smell and his fluffy blonde hair.

"Babe, are you okay?" Her best friend's voice interrupted her thoughts. Olivia had been Mel's best friend since they'd met in the toilets of a nightclub. Olivia had been crying over her boyfriend dumping her (because she'd cheated) and Mel was her knight in a red tube dress. They'd bonded as Mel handed her tissues, helping her to dry her tears before Mel reapplied Olivia's eye makeup for her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mel offered a smile to Olivia, who stood there with her hands on her hips looking at her.

"What do you say we hit the nightclub that opened last night? Scout for hotties?" Olivia's eyes lit up as she suggested this, making Mel smile at her best friend.

"Sure hon, that sounds like a plan."

"I'll go make the call!" Olivia was the socialite daughter of people who were somewhat rich famous which meant that one quick phone call would get them into any club that she desired.

Olivia blew a kiss at Mel as she left the room. Mel pulled out her phone from her pocket the second Olivia had gone and went to the photos. The only photos she had on her phone were photos of her family: there were pictures of her and big sister, Madeleine, her and her Maman and her and her son. Her favourite picture had to be their group selfie. Her Maman had done a ridiculous duck face pout and pushed her lips too far out, Maddie's face had the widest grin on it, Mel, herself, was doing a Miley Cyrus inspired tongue out and her favourite part of the picture had to be Brandon, her son. He looked at her with complete adoration as he cuddled into her. She remembered how it felt to his warm little body in her arms and she missed that.

"Babe, why are you still sat there? Go get ready! It's eight and we're leaving at ten!" Mel yawned as she stood up, stretching her arms. Well, she had to follow orders and go get ready. She threw her phone on the sofa, leaving the picture of her family shining up at the ceiling as she left the room.


It took Mel the full two hours to get ready. She spent about 45 minutes soaking in the bath tub before going to get ready. At 10 o'clock, she was primped, dressed and ready to go. Her shoulder length ash blonde hair was curled, her hazel eyes were lined and shadowed to the smoky eye effect and she'd painted her lips bright red. She wore a red low cut bustier bodycon dress which moulded to her curves perfectly and slight golden tan. She matched this outfit with her black Louboutin open toe pumps. She left behind and she knew that she'd end up being bought drinks so decided to forgo a purse. She was ready! She left her room and went to knock on Olivia's door.

"Come in!" Olivia called. She entered to see a nearly naked Olivia standing there. She wasn't really surprised, Olivia took forever to decide what to wear and was comfortable enough with her own nudity.

"Can't find anything to wear?" Her red haired best friend turned around to stick her tongue out at her. Mel rolled her eyes and marched into Olivia's bedroom, pushed Olivia aside and looked inside Olivia's wardrobe.

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