Penultimate Author's Note*

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*At least in this book

Hey everyone!Just a quick little note to let you know:

On Just a One Night Stand (JAONS): The final 3 parts (2 chapters and an Epilogue) will be uploaded tomorrow - 1 January 2018!
I can't give you a precise time for when it'll be uploaded but at some point, expect to see the final 3 parts! Once those have been updated, I'll be updating the Acknowledgements (i.e. A big long mushy, gooey, soppy part where I give my thanks)!

On Her Fiancé's Son (HFS) news: I'm not too sure when HFS will be uploaded - I think I want to get a big chunk of it written before I upload it to Wattpad so I can upload a chapter a week consistently! As much as I'm sure my inconsistent update schedule annoyed you, it irritated me 10 times more!

Anyway, for the sake of keeping it quick, I'll wrap it up here!

Thank you for your continuous support and see you guys tomorrow!

- Seraphina Love

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