Author's Note

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Author's Note

I hate to do this to you but this is only an author's note! I personally hate it when authors do this but I reckon that this is pretty important.

1. I will be updating on Monday the 16th of June!

2. I've written two versions of Chapter 9 - One is moderately clean (so there's just a bit of swearing and that's it) and the other one is... well... a bit more explicit. It's like Chapter 8 but with more intimacy and there is a reference to a particular character's penis (I won't mention which character's penis because that'll just spoil it for you).

So the purpose of this author's note is to ask which version you want. I, obviously, am not aware of the ages of my readers and what you guys prefer to read.

Would you please be able to comment and let me know whther you want moderately clean or more explicit? If more people want the first one, obviously I'll publish the first one and if more people want the second one, I'll publish the second one. The deadline for your kind of votes on this would be the Monday that I'm uploading so get commenting if you want to get your opinion in!

3. Thank you so much for all your support:
- 40 votes
- 6 new people adding this to their reading lists
- 1263 new reads (as of 06.06.14)
- 118 reads on Chapter 8 alone (which means that about 118 people actually stuck around to read my book)

Thanks for your patience,

Seraphina Love

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