Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“-Can you believe that?!” Drew nodded, absentmindedly, as he dug his fork into his meal of shrimp fettuccine alfredo. The date he was on was near-perfect: the meal was perfect, the service was perfect, and the décor was perfect. Everything was perfect except for one thing: his companion. Kaitlin Goodall was the antithesis of his perfect woman. She was loud, complained a lot, was rude to the waiters and waitresses and above all, she was already setting a wedding date with him and it was only the first date.

“ANDY! Are you even listening to me?” The squeal from Kaitlin jarred him back to focus.

“It’s Drew not Andy and, honestly, no I’m not listening to you. I don’t think you and I are very compatible, Kaitlin, and I would not like to see you again.” He took the final few bites of his pasta dish, withdrew his wallet and plucked a crisp £50 note which he placed on the table, “Goodbye Kaitlin. Please do not call me.” He picked up his coat from the back of the chair and shrugged it onto his shoulders, picked up his briefcase and left the restaurant.

He may have come across as cold-hearted, uncompassionate and ruthless but Drew knew what he wanted and he refused to settle for second best. Kaitlin, though, was the type of girl who he wouldn’t even class as second best. He picked his phone from his pocket, went into his BBM contacts and deleted Kaitlin Goodall. Fortunately, BBM was the only method of contact that he gave to his ‘dates’ so when the date didn’t work, he could easily delete them and they would not be able to contact him again. He slid his phone back into his pocket and continued the walk to his office. Once he got back to the office, he was greeted with the bright smile of the receptionist again.

“Mr Nicholson, your father asked me to let you know that, when you got back for lunch, he wants to see you in his office.” She leaned over her desk slightly, obviously attempting to flash her cleavage at him. He pointedly looked at only her face and smiled politely again before thanking her. His father probably wanted to know how the interviews went and which candidate he deemed most suitable. When he arrived at the door of his father’s office, he knocked thrice.

“Enter.” Drew walked into the room and took a seat in front of his father.

“So?” Nathaniel Nicholson fixed his eyes on his eldest son, waiting expectantly.

“Okay so after interviewing the final three candidates, these are my initial thoughts. Firstly, I feel that Samantha would benefit most with an internship at the company. She’s very enthusiastic but I don’t feel that she properly equipped to join the corporate world with a position as your secretary. Secondly, Aisha Malik is a spectacular candidate. However, I feel that she’d treat you like a child rather than an employer so I don’t feel she’s right for you either. Out of the three candidates, I feel that Madeleine Dubois would be most suitable. She seems to understand that corporate world and any question I threw at her in the interview was answered with remarkable ease. She seems to be a quick learner and this is a valuable asset to any team.”

“What are you waiting for, Drew? Call her and let her know she has the job!”

“Don’t you think it’s too soon? We’ve only just finished the interviews.”

“Son, your intuition has never once been wrong. Also, in the first round of interviews, Mrs Smith and Mr Davidson were practically singing her praises.” Mrs Smith and Mr Davidson were the head of human resources and they were the ones who hired everyone and/or reviewed CVs and did the initial interviews.

“Fine, I shall call her immediately.” Drew sat in the chair for a while looking around his father’s familiar office. Pictures of himself, his two sisters (Alessandra and Angelina) and his mother were on the walls.

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