Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When Madeleine returned to the living room, she was composed and it was almost as if nothing special had occurred in the kitchen. Almost. Until she made eye contact with Drew then she flushed slightly and immediately averted her gaze. Fortunately for her, though, everyone's eyes were focused on James who was currently embarrassing himself. Drew continued to stare at her neck with a smirk. She was his. Brandon would soon figure that out.

Wait what? She wasn't hers. She was just another hot girl that he'd had sex with. She also happened to be his father's secretary and also happened to be good with his baby cousin. It wasn't like he wanted her to be the mother of his children. In fact, he planned on having children many years from now. And the mother of his children? Their relationship would only be one of convenience. He'd continue to have meaningless sex with meaningless women and she'd let him because he'd pay her enough money not to care. Every woman had her price.

He may be cynical about love and marriage but he wasn't always like that. Before 21, he'd planned on finding the right woman, getting married to her, having a few children and going on to have a love like his parents'. In fact, once upon a time, he had thought he'd found the right woman to spend the rest of his life with.

He was wrong.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Madeleine's voice.

"Well, I guess I've got to get going..." She announced rather nervously, avoiding looking at Drew.

"Oh okay. Bye." Cassie slurred without even bothering to look up. Drew wasn't quite sure what was wrong with his female best friend but she was being rather rude.

"Wait no!" Angie sat upright suddenly, "I really don't think it'd be right for you to go home this late. You're drunk so it's not safe for you to get a taxi home. I'd say that someone ought to drop you off at home but everyone's been drinking and I'm not allowed to drive. Why don't you take the guest bedroom tonight and one of us will drop you off tomorrow morning after breakfast?" There were times when Drew absolutely loved his sister and times when he detested her. At this particular moment, he wasn't sure how he felt.

"Uh..." Madeleine hesitated as she looked around the room, trying to judge people's reactions to that.

"My Mama would be furious if she knew we'd let you go home and this time!" Angie added as she looked up at Madeleine.

"Uh... Sure? Thanks Angie." A smile lit up her entire face and he found himself wishing that he had put that smile on her face. No, no, no, no! He shouldn't be having those sorts of thoughts about her. He shouldn't be having any sort of thoughts about her!

"I would offer to lend you some clothes but you're taller than me!" His 5"4 sister was easily dwarfed by at least 3 inches.

"Yeah, ditto." Cassie added, totally disinterested.

"Will one of you boys lend her some clothes to sleep in?" Angie looked around the room at all the boys.

"I've got nothing here, sorry." James smiled apologetically.

"Neither." Luis and Nicky shrugged.

"Drew, I think you have some things here, right?"

"Sure." Drew made himself as though he didn't care, "One sec, I'll go see if I've got anything for Madeleine." He left the living room and ran up the stairs quickly before entering his old bedroom. Everything was exactly the way he'd left it. His old posters were still stuck to the walls and his bed still had the same bedding on it. The only difference was that his room was a lot tidier. He could smell the floral scent of washing powder on the bedding - which suggested that his Mama had washed the sheets recently.

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