Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Drew cracked his eyes open, slowly, his eyes adjusting to the bright light behind that filled the room. Straight away, memories of last night flooded back to him. Last night, a stunningly beautiful girl came onto him. The fact that she came onto him was no surprise but the way in which she did it was. She played slightly hard to get but at the same time, she was definitely attainable. She was the one who suggested that they took it to a motel and the one who initiated the activities that took place last night. She was definitely his type – too bad he wasn’t looking for a long-term, or even short-term, commitment.

He rolled out of the bed as stealthily as he could to avoid waking up the girl. He pulled on his Hollister jeans before threading the brown leather belt through the jeans’ belt loops. He quickly wore the rest of his clothes before preparing to leave the room. As usual, he grabbed his wallet, his keys and phone before walking around the bed to check on her. He wasn’t looking for any “spark”. He just wanted to ensure that there wasn’t a risk of her suffocating in her sleep. Plus, he needed to see if she was just as gorgeous as he remembered. He peered down at the place where she had been sleeping only to find that she was gone! How did he not notice it? Her clothes obviously weren’t strewn on the floor like they were last night. There was no breathing in the room except for his own yet still he hadn’t noticed her not being there. No girl had ever left him! He always left them and definitely not the other way round!

Drew rolled his eyes. Who cared anyway? Definitely not him. It didn’t bug him at all that she left him and not the other way round. Nope… Not at all. He pocketed his keys, wallet and phone as he walked out of the room and ran down the stairs to the reception desk of the cheap motel. When he reached the desk, he whipped out his wallet, ready to pay for the room that they had stayed in. The man at the desk simply shook his head and smiled.

“No sir! Your lady friend already paid for your room!”

Once again, Drew was stumped. He knew, and most women knew, that he had more than enough money to pay for any bill that was handed to him. Usually the woman, when she eventually accepted that he wasn’t looking for a long term commitment, left him to pay for the bill. Whoever he slept with must have been a selfless woman and those types of women were the most hard to come by. The question remained: who was this woman? What did that even matter? It was just a one night stand! Maybe it could have been more? Another side of him argued. Drew shook his head clear of those thoughts as he exited the motel, ready to face real life.

“Excuse me sir!” The man at the reception called before Drew could exit. Drew turned back around to face him.

“Yes?” Drew raised an eyebrow at him.

“Your lady friend left a message for you. She said ‘thanks for a fun night’.” The man read from a sheet of paper.

“Anything else?” Drew was waiting for the man to add something like ‘she also said to call her’.

“There’s also an ‘x’ below that?” Drew raised his eyebrows. She was beautiful (from what he could remember), she paid for the bill though he had enough to do so (which meant that she wasn’t a gold-digger) AND she didn’t appear to be clingy. Thing is, he was never going to see her again. That was fine by him. She was just a one-night stand. He’d forget about her by next night when he was with another woman.

Trouble was he didn’t.

Just a One Night StandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant