Chapter 7

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We walked through the egg corridor and went the woman asked me to wait with Hunter. He eyes my egg and I look around. There are already 30 people here and they all had solid colored eggs. The most prominent colors are green and purple. My egg is the only multicolored one here. In no more than 30 minutes, the rest of the riders who bonded with an egg come out. We wait for 2 minutes before Hunter starts talking.

"Ok. We will now say goodbye to those who did not bond with an egg." He starts walking and we all rush to follow him. Everyone is sneaking glances at the egg in my hands. They clearly share my question on why it's multicolored. Even Hunter occasionally looks at it with an unreadable expression on his face. After about 2 minutes of walking, we meet up with the rest of the potential dragon riders. They all have down cast eyes and disappointed auras. Being picked as a potential dragon rider and then not bonding with an egg is a huge dishonor. One boy, (I think his name is Sean) looks up and sees my egg. His aura goes from disappointed to angry.

"Look at that!" he hisses, eyes narrowed. "The little girl got an egg! She shouldn't have that egg. I should. Boys should get priority over girls for eggs! Right?" The boys raise their eyes and glare at me.

"We should!" calls one boy.



The first boy, quiets them all. "If we can't pick it, we'll take it. " He approaches me with a swagger in his step. I am stunned when he takes the egg from my grasp. My heart quickens and my breathing is shallow.
"Aw." says the boy "Are you gonna cry? Just like the baby you are."

All I see is red. The next thing I know, I'm standing over the boy, my egg in my arms, blood dripping from 3 deep scratches on his back. As I stand there, I hear a loud growling. It takes me a minute to realize it's my own voice. I look at everyone, eyes narrow, daring them to take MY egg. They all seemed stunned and none would meet my eyes. Hunter looks at me with respect and comes up beside me.

"So, what was wrong with Sean did to Zircon?" Only one boy raised his hand.

"Yes, Fin was it?"

"By taking Zircon's egg, Sean invoked an ancient safety response from her. Should Sean have dropped or broken the egg, I have no doubt that Zircon would have killed him."

"Correct." Hunter nodded. "Unless there is an attack on the hatchery, no one but the egg's chosen person or the hatchery attendants may touch that egg. Okay. Enough with the history lesson, if you have not been chosen, follow Vlad where you can either choose to become a helper or you can go home. Everyone else follow me to the hatchery." We split into the two groups and I followed Hunter. He set a brisk pace and within 7 minutes we were beside the hatchery doors.

"Everyone, you will go in and choose a nest for you egg. Once everyone has chosen one, the attendants will come out. You each get one, they will be with you for the rest of you life. They are your medics and advisors. Listen to their every word."

"How do they choose us?"

"Good question. They will walk around and look at your egg. They each have a specialty. Air, water, northern, southern, or whatever. Once they find an egg they like of their specialty, they will stand with you. Any more questions?" No one had any.

"Okay! Go on in!"

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