Chapter 30

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I dodged and helped him lie down, in the mud, next to Hunter, and head first. Ahh, I love revenge.


Lessons with Derreck were full of headaches brought on by hours of communicating with Amipere in my head. Derreck did not seem to realize that this was hard for me. Sure, Amipere and I could communicate, but if we did it for extended periods of time it would hurt both of us. I tried to tell Derreck multiple times but he brushed it off and said, "Practice will help." So we were forced to practice at least 2 hours every day, with Derreck or otherwise. I hadn't seen Soul lately; I could only assume that he was stuck in his little cottage. Or he was dead. I voted for the first option. One night, as I'm walking back from Derreck's class (which had gone long again) when I heard something in the forest to my left. I stopped and the rustling stopped. I started and it started. I stopped it stopped.

"Who's there?" No answer. "I know you're there! Show yourself!" Still no answer but I hear a suspicious whistling. Then a medium grown dragon comes out. His scales are pitch black, his eyes glowing a bright blue, and his silver claws shining brightly against the black. He looks strangely familiar but I brush it off because, if I knew him, why would he attack me? His lips are pulled back in a snarl as he lunges for me. I hit the deck, my training kicking in as he flies over my head. Popping back up, I look around me to see if there is anything that could serve as a weapon. The only thing I see is a semi-sharp piece of wood. It's about 6 feet away from me but I think I can get it. As the dragon crashes into a tree, I lunge towards the wood.

My fingers wrap around it just as a large paw grabs my leg and pulls. Every bit of exposed skin is torn and ripped on the hard ground. As the dragon is pulling me, I turn so my back is to the ground, ignoring the burning pain from my numerous cuts and scrapes. When I get close enough to the dragon, I drive the wood into its large paw. The dragon screams in pain and releases me, flying back into the dark woods. A strangely familiar voice floats into my head as my vision becomes veiled and dark. The last thing I see is a black shadow running out of the woods.


Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. School and sports have just been hectic to the point where my entire body will feel like a large bruise so it's been hard to write anything. Anyway,  what did you think about this chapter? Who do you think tried to kill Zircon and why??? Comment below on who you think did it!




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