Chapter 19

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The creature turns to me and I can see its face. Rayne screams in my head and I blackout, welcoming the cool silence.


I groan and wait for my pounding headache to subside. When it does, I attempt to sit up, only to be stopped by a large, tan hand. The hand is connected to an arm which is connected to a torso which is connected to a neck which is connected to a head. I gasp and scoot as far away from it as I can. Memories start rushing back and I remember the events of the day. It was it yesterday? The person I remember is standing there. He is wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans. His eyes are a brilliant red and his hair is thick and brown. His eyes were why I thought he was a monster. He does not look much older than me but looks can be deceiving.

"W..w..water?" my voice is raspy and I cough after.
"Sure." His voice is deep and thick. A tall glass is held up to my lips and I chug it in a very unladylike manner.
"So, what did you do to the instructors to make them sacrifice you to the 'monster' ?" His lips curve up in disgust at the word monster.

"I don't know." the ever-present throbbing in my head has subsided the tiniest bit and I take in more of my surroundings. I am sitting on a couch in the mysterious house Hunter forced me to go into yesterday. "Where's the monster?" 

"You're looking at him." the 'monster' smiles wryly. 

"Huh? You're no monster." at this he smiles for real.

"Sure I am. Not to me but to the people outside of my lovely hut."

"What makes you a monster?"

"I'm not a monster, I've just been labeled that by the instructors. They're just scared of anything with more power than them." his eyes flare ruby and in that moment, I see what the instructors mean. I could be afraid of him, but strangely, I'm not. "Anyone who has a voice in their head making them stronger must be powerful."

"Wait, a voice in their head..." could he have a Rayne as well?

"Ya. What about it?" his voice is suspicious and his eyes are narrow slits. 

"Hmm. Oh! Nothing... I think." his eyes are still narrow but his posture relaxes the tiniest bit. 

"Well," he starts "since you are awake now, I guess I'll let you go."

"So, your not gonna keep me here?"

"No. Why would I?" his eyebrows crease in the middle. 

"Nothing..." I stutter.

"Okay... Well, goodbye." I slowly get up and walk towards the door. 

"Wait!" I hear him shout.


"What's your name?" he asks.

"Zircon. My name's Zircon."

"Nice to meet you Zircon." he smiles "My name's Soul."


Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I have no excuse for updating late. Anyway, I'm gonna be gone from Monday, December 28 to the following Sunday. I'm going to camp so... yay? I'll have at lest 2 chapters by then  and I'll post when I get back. 





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