Chapter 32

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The cool silence lulls me to sleep and my eyes close. The next few days will be boring and sleep-filled.


Finally! The nurse let me go, though she did give strict instructions to never ever let her see me in this condition again. I agreed with a laugh and she sent me on my way. She also threatened to amputate my head if I hurt myself in the next 5 days. She gave Hunter, Derreck, and John instructions to only let me exercise for 3 hours a day and never to strenuously. Each day, my body starts to hurt less and less until it is just the occasionally twinge from my shoulders and knees. I slowly start to amp up my training until I am almost doing the full routines. John complains loudly about two things multiple times a day, 

1: I am apparently exercising to hard and he doesn't want to have to carry my body through the woods again.

2: His dragon broke an ankle and has to wear a boot thing for 2 weeks. 

Today is a day where John's whining is getting on my nerves. 

"Oh." I snap; cutting him off when he is complaining about his dragon. "You forgot to mention the part where he has to wear a boot for 2 weeks." John's eyes go wide and he looks like a scared deer. "Suck it up. I bet if you hadn't pushed your dragon so hard, he would have been just peachy right now!" John was known for pushing Balerion as hard and fast as possible. It makes sense that he would be hurt! I slam my hands on the table and stand up, intent on giving him a lecture.

"If you would just listen to your trainer, I bet Balerion wouldn't be hurt right now! You should have known better than to push him to extremes!" What was his problem?! I was the one who had gotten mauled by a dragon! What's his excuse for being whiny? I turned to leave but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. "Let go."

"No." UGH! What was his deal?!?! 

"I said, let go."

"No." Okay. Now I was getting angry. 

"LET GO!" I shouted at him. Amipere stirred from her place next to the table and growled at John, seeing the situation. Finally getting the message, John released my arm and I stormed out, not once looking back. The hallways blurred by me as I walked to my room. I slammed the door and sat down on my bed. Why did this have to happen, why did I have to get chosen? Why couldn't I have a normal life, one without any complications? Water started to blur my vision and Amipere whimpered next to me; saddened by my tears. She crawled toward me and put her head in my lap. She was growing at a startling rate and was now the size of a great dane. I reached down and pet her head, glad that at least one person got my pain. 

"Cheer up." Rayne murmured in my head. "Tomorrow is a new day." 

"Yeah." I responded "I guess it is."

-------------------------Not the end! Just a different scene. The end with be bolded!-------------------

Sometime after, I woke with a creeping sense that someone was watching me. I had fallen asleep shortly after talking to Rayne. Amipere had moved to her nest as I started to drift off. 

I shiver in worry and turn on a light. Am I just hyped up because of the fight with John; or is it something else? Just as I'm contemplating whether or not to check outside my door and behind the shower for serial killers, the light goes out. 

Okay. I coach myself. Just breathe. There's probably just a black out around school. Yeah. That's it. Nothing to worry about. 

And then, the window explodes.


Hehehe! Did that scare you? Yes? No? Maybe a little?

 Sorry I've been MIA. Ya know, just end of school year drama and stuff. I'll get better! I promise! :) 

Just a head's up: I'll be gone for at least 5 weeks this summer because of traveling and camps.  Sorry!!!!! :(  I'll try to update as frequently as possible, perhaps longer chapter for the longer  I'm gone? I will update again tomorrow because I have school off for Memorial Day. 

Thanks for understanding (hopefully),



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