Chapter 28

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Aaron finally speaks up. "I think she isn't an elemental." The air is suddenly silent as Derreck, Amipere and I all look at him. What does he mean?


Aaron must have seen the confusion in my face for he quickly added, "She might just be confused."

"Why would she be confused?" Now I'm confused.

"Well, " Aaron starts "since she is a female dragon and attached to a rider, she isn't actually a elemental. She's a Queen. Didn't I already tell you that?" Oh. Yeah. He did.

"Well then why did she think she was a animal and nature?"

"Because each Queen had three elements. Two of their own picking and one that each Queen has; Arcane." He sees my face. "Arcane is another word for magic."

'Ampere?' I ask mentally.


'Are you a Queen?'

'M-maybe.' She sounds unsure. 'We could try training like one and see if it works.'

'Yeah. That's a good idea.'

"Alright. Amipere is not sure if she is a Queen but is willing to train as one and see if it works." Aaron nods but Derreck still seems wary. "Come on Derreck. What could it hurt?" He shrugs.

"Well, nothing but it seems stupid to me. Why can't she just decide?" Amipere snarled at him and snapped her teeth. "Okay, okay! Fine... Sheesh!" He grumbles something about a conspiracy against him and his sanity while moving around Amipere feeling her legs and such. While stretching out her left wing he tsks over a place near the base. When he runs his hands over the spot Amipere hisses at him and snaps her wing closed. Derreck nods, silently finishing the inspection before turning back to us.

"Well, she seems to be in good shape except for the muscle at the base of her left wing. Somebody" he eyes Amipere sternly "decided to fly 1 day to soon." Amipere does the dragon version of a grin and yawns, her jaw stretching wide. "It shouldn't hinder her training to much but we should be careful just in case." Aaron turns to me and smiles. "Okay. Zircon,"


"Drop and give me 50."

"I thought the saying was drop and give me 20." I whine but still get on the ground to do the pushups.

"Well, to bad." He laughs and I grin. It takes me all of 4 minutes to do the push-ups and he makes me do 50 sit-ups, 50 squats, and 50 laps. By the time training had ended, I was tired right down to my bones. I trudged  back to my room and wearily opened the door. The red and gold colors gave me some peace as I hopped into the shower. The hot water sluiced down my back and I reveled in it. The next day would bring no relief to me.
Hey! I updated! Yay!!! Would it help you guys if I made a character list? Please comment and vote of you liked it and point out any errors!


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