Chapter 14

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'What did he mean?'


No on else was called up and the blue robed man continues his speech.

"My name is Terrance and I am the head Water mage." The water mages cheer excitedly. "Alright. Settle down. Our instructors will now introduce themselves before you first class of the year!" The instructors all come up but I only pay attention to the dragon rider's instructors. A large, buff man is Rei and he teaches Combat, a tall, thin man named Carl teaches History, and so on and so forth. Hunter steps up once and says,

"I'm Hunter. I teach Strategy." I'm intrigued. I never thought that Hunter would teach a class... Well, there's a first time for everything. After like, an hour more of introductions, Terrance finally comes back.
"Okay! Get ready to go to your first class. First year Dragon riders, you will ALL be doing fitness and ground training with ALL your instructors. Meet them at the field in the back when classes start. Everyone, classes start today at 8:30. Ready, set, go!" There are a bunch of people running to the doors.  Stay seated until everyone else is gone. The boys stay with me.

"So." Alex says "What time is it?"

"8:00." is my response. "We have 30 more minutes. What're your first classes?"

"We all have Flight and Aerobatics."

"ALL of you?"

"Yep. We all have the same schedule."

"Nice job with Terrance." That's James. "He is a royal pain in the ass."

I giggle "Why?"

"He thinks that water mages are above everyone else and believes we should be serving them." My giggling stops.

"That's horrible."

"Yeah. Well, do you need to change or anything before class?"


"Great. We'll show you to the field. Hey, is that a bow?"

"Yep. Sure is."

"Can you shoot it?" Brendan asks. He sounds very excited now.

"I wouldn't have the nerve to carry it otherwise." I'm proud of my archery skills. It was always the thing that interested me most.

"Wanna put money where your mouth is?" Alex sounds devious.

"I don't have any money, or I would."

"Well, that's okay. I just want to see you shoot it. It seems small."

"It folds out to be bigger." I roll my eyes. Did this guy seriously think that I would shoot a bow the size of a dinner plate? Idiot. I follow their lead when they stand up and Amipere squeaks from her place on my shoulder. "Get up you lazy dragon." I tease her. She sighs and unfolds her wings. One push and she's flying. Twirling around our heads. Her gold streaks catch the light and look like shimmering silk. After dropping our plates onto the cart, the boys lead me down numerous hallways. Each one longer than the last until, at the end of one particularly long hallway, there was a huge spruce door. It was at least 12 feet tall and had iron and silver details. Brandon pushed it and it swings open without a sound. Harsh, bright sunlight filters in, blinding me. The grass is green and lush, the sky blue with a few lazy clouds drifting by. Only a few boys are there and they look around in awe. Long, wooden table is are lining the green field and an array of weapons fill them.
I stare in awe at the racks, they beckon temptingly and I can't wait to try the treasures they hold. I recognize many of the weapons and I know even more by use. I must stand there for 5 minutes before Alex clears his throat.
"So, you were going to show us your shooting?"
"Oh!" I had totally forgotten "Right! Where do you want me to aim?"
"Shoot at the targets maybe?" James replies sassily and I blush.
'Well duh.' I giggle, embarrassed. I look around and spot 20 targets in a row on one wall. Walking over to them, I measure out 100 paces.
"Wanna start closer?" Calls a worried Brandon.
"I'm good!" I shout back. 'This is easy!' I unfold the bow, grab an arrow from the quiver and focus. Risking a glance around, I almost lose my nerve. The rest of the cadets and many of the instructors have gathered near to watch. I breathe heavily and push it from my mind.
Placing the arrow to the string, I slide the string taunt in a smooth motion. Sighting down the arrow, I exhale loudly. I'm unwavering when I release. I barely glance at is when it pierces the center and string another arrow. Releasing this one as well, I repeat the motion with a total of 4 arrows before moving to the next target. I set my bow down and grab 3 throwing knives. These all end up at the bullseye, clustered in a neat circle.
I inspect both targets and look over my work. The arrows are in exactly the same place, the first ones split down the middle. I nod, happy with my work and turn to the boys. All the cadets and even a few instructor have their mouths hanging open and their eyes wide. 
"What?" I ask. Why are they surprised. I bet loads of people here could do that. It's not that hard.

A Dragon's Rider (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن