Chapter 42- Breaking Point

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When we pulled up in my driveway, we were surprised to see that the house looked completely normal.

A.k.a: My family wasn't home.

We went inside and curiously looked around for a while, until Conner finally found the sticky note stuck to the fridge.

'Went to Disney World, brought the boys along. Be back in a few days. Have fun with Conner!'

And then there was a heart and a winky face at the bottom. I had no doubt that my mother had written the note.

I frowned, momentarily disappointed that they hadn't even stuck around to tell me they were leaving, let alone invite me along. But my sudden streak of loneliness vanished as soon as I felt a warm pair of lips kiss my shoulder.

"Well," Conner whispered huskily, and I felt my body shudder at the very sound. "You heard the woman. Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Protesting didn't even cross my mind as he led me upstairs, gradually trailing kisses up my arm as he went.


My feet padded across the cold floor as I walked around the room, a dull reminder that Winter was on its way.

Conner was still laying on my bed in all his glory, his arms resting behind his head as he watched me with burning eyes. He had always had a thing with me wearing his shirts as pajamas.

Conner didn't question me as I changed my course to exit the room.

My feet led me across the hall to the crooked door that led up to the attic.

The door creaked when I opened it, since it was by far the oldest and least used door in the entire house. Hardly anyone even bothered going up there.

Like the door, the wooden stairs also creaked beneath me, but I quickly ascended them regardless. I had something in mind for Conner, and I remembered exactly where my mom had left it.

The attic was just as dusty and cluttered as the last time I had seen it, boxes of junk and other forgotten belongings scattered around the murky room. The only source of light came from a small, wood framed window on the far wall.

I spotted a couple of spiders, so I hurried across the room to the box of my moms old stuff. I dug through it hurriedly, feeling the cold nip at my legs due to the lack of the heater system in the attic.

I finally found what I had been looking for. With it tightly clutched in my hand, I hurried back downstairs.

I was instantly relieved as I shut the door to the attic. Most of the time I was too anxious to even go up there. It was quite creepy at times.

Well, that and Sam had once lost his pet rat up there.

I walked back to my room to see that Conner was in the same place I had left him. Laying on my bed, only wearing his boxers to cover his mouthwatering self.

I grinned deviously as I showed him the object I had retrieved. His eyebrows raised.

"A camera?" He inquired. "What, are you going to shoot some porn or something?"

My cheeks burned as I glared at him. "Of course not you dolt! Why would I need that when I have the real thing?" I didn't really intend to stroke his ego, I just knew that he would drop the subject if I did so.

He smirked, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

I made my way towards the bed with my mothers old Polaroid camera in hand. It actually wasn't even that old, but my mother had discarded it when she got over her photography phase, and Conner's mom had introduce her to yoga soon after. I swear, my mother was more 'teenage' than I was, at times.

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