Chapter 35- Irony

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I really hate Mondays.

Conner and I had just arrived at school the next morning, one of us dragging along the other, who was moaning and complaining loudly.

Guess which one I was.

"But Conner!" I pouted as we reached the front steps. It was still a little too early for school to start, so most everyone was still hanging around and being a general nuisance in the parking lot. 

"Butts are for sitting, princess." He gave me a smile but didn't relent, pulling me inside the building by my arm.

"I thought I told you never to call me that!" I complained, glaring daggers at the back of his head.

"Nope." He said, popping the 'p'. "You said never to call you babe. That's completely different."

If I had just sped up a little, I'm sure I would have been able to slap the back of his head. But it was too early and I was still tired, so instead I just gave a noncommittal grunt as my locker came into view. 

My locker, and the couple making out on top of it. Of course.

I huffed, not even thinking twice before marching over and tapping on the girls shoulder. "Lilly, haul your ass off of my locker, before I punch your boyfriend in the face."

She pulled away, giving me an amused smile that told me she didn't actually take my threat to heart. Tom only gave me an apologetic half-shrug.

I sighed loudly, making Conner role his eyes. "I know you two are dating now, but try and hold off on the extensive PDA."

"Sorry Selli."Lilly giggled as Tom teasingly kissed her cheek.

"I'm sure you are." I grumbled as I opened up my locker.

"Someone's bitter." Conner smirked at me, a gleam in his eyes as I turned to glare at him again.

"Am not!" I huffed, grabbing my books and closing my locker. "It's just too early for me to be awake!"

 "Selena, Selena, Selena." Lilly shook her head and tutted like I was five. "I think we all know what's going on here."

That caught my attention. I turned back to see her smiling mischievously at me, Tom looking anxious from beside her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Conner looking down at his feet, clearly not paying any attention to the conversation.

"And what would that be?" I nearly cheered when my voice came out steadily.

Lilly clapped her hands together, before pulling me into a bear hug that even I couldn't escape from. "We need to find you a boyfriend!"


Then relieved laughter.

"Oh r-right!" I smiled at her as she pulled me away. "A boyfriend!"

Lilly nodded proudly, finally smoothing down her messed up blond hair. "I knew it! What you really need right now, is a new boyfriend! You have'nt had one since the whole 'Travis fiasco'."

I rolled my eyes. "Lilly, that was like two weeks ago."

"Exactly! All we need to do if find you a hot rebound guy!" She giggled, grabbing onto Tom's hand and jumping up and down excitedly.

I was smiling too, relieved to know that she didn't know about my secret boyfriend just yet. If I knew anything about Lilly, it was that she was really big on trust.

Oh, wait a second.....

Then, I processed her words.

Oh, shit.

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