Chapter 2- Catch Me If You Can

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By the time Conner had driven me home from the first day of school, I was ready for the school year to end.

My parents must have still been at the law firm, because the house was silent.

I plopped onto my sofa head first, letting out a huff. As I buried my face into a pillow, I heard Conner sit on the floor beside me. I felt him rest his head on my back, and a smile tugged at my lips.

"You are too cute sometimes." I told him, giggling into my pillow.

"No way, do you even see yourself? You look adorable when you're grumpy." He said, his head still resting on my lower back.

I rolled my eyes. "Gee, thanks."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of S. You're just really adorable." Conner teased.

"Well at least I'm not terrified of butterflies." I said, mocking indignation.

"Hey!" He complained. "That was one time! And we were seven!"

I laughed. "Yeah, plus that monarch butterfly was soooo scary!" I laughed into my pillow, recalling the look on his face when that butterfly had made him shriek like a little girl.

"Who's laughing now?" Before I could respond, his arms were wrapped around my waist, and he had me hoisted over his shoulder like a squirming sack of turnips.

"Hey!" I struggled, but he had me in too strong a grip. "Put me down Con!"

"Hmmm...... No."

And with that he carried me up the stairs and into my room as I pounded on his back with my fists, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He ungracefully threw me onto my bed headfirst, and I bounced a little as my back hit the mattress. Then, before I could move he was on top of me, straddling my waist.

I struggled from under him, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them firmly above my head, completely immobilizing me.

He grinned smugly down at me as I put on my best pouty face. "I win."

But after seeing a flicker of lust cross his face as he met my eyes, I instantly knew how win back my pride. By exploiting his biggest weakness.

Being a teenage boy.

Putting on my sexiest face, which I hoped didn't look completely ridiculous, I looked up at him shyly. I bit my lower lip seductively, smiling slightly. I could tell my strategy was working, because I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips for a second, before they went back up to meet mine.

He bent his neck down to kiss me, and I eagerly responded. He leaned in closer to me, still holding my hands above my head. I wrapped my legs around his waist, hugging him tighter while trying desperately not to lose sight of my goal while kissing him.

I could feel his tounge enter my mouth, merging with mine in such a familiar manner. I kissed him feverently, arching my neck up to meet his soft lips. Each time I kissed him, it was as though it was the first time. My heart was pounding with adrenaline, my head hazing over with lust. But this time, I managed to keep my goal in mind, and not get completely lost with Conner.

Stage one complete, moving into stage two.

With an enormous effort, I broke the kiss and pushed him off of me. He willingly plopped onto the mattress on his back, and I moved so that I was over him this time. He moaned from under me as my lips moved to his neck.

Stage two complete, stage three activated.

I trailed my hands down his rib cage, feeling satisfied as he shuddered. I slipped my hands under his shirt, trailing them over his hard stomach.

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