Chapter 34- How To Guard a Life for Dummies

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I stirred in my sleep, turning over to roll the other way. I vaguely realized that I was sitting up right, but was still too drowsy to care.

"Selena." The voice repeated, a little more forcefully.

I groaned, snuggling deeper into the seat and squeezing my eyes shut.

"Selena! Wake up already! We're here." I recognized Conner's voice as he began to shake my shoulder.

"No." I mumbled, still refusing to open my eyes even as I was slowly waking up.

I heard him sigh from beside me, before he reached over and undid my seat belt.

Wait, seat belt?

I snapped my eyes open to see that I was indeed in a car. Conner's car to be exact. Why were we in his car? I remember falling asleep in my bed...

I looked over to see Conner smiling in amusement at my confusion, before he turned off the car and got out.

I looked around as my boyfriend walked around the car to open my door for me. I vaguely recognized the place, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Where are we?" I finally asked, stretching out and yawning.

"At the country club."

I rubbed at my eyes, remembering that Conner had mentioned out community service last night, for crashing a golf cart. Well, for me crashing a golf cart. I noticed that he was wearing a pair of red swim trunks and a t-shirt, and I recalled that we had to life guard the pool for a few months.

I frowned at him as he grabbed my hand to pull me out. "But I'm still in my-"

I stopped when I looked down and realized that I was no longer in my pajamas, but was instead wearing a red, one piece bathing suit and a pair of shorts.

I glared at him, making his smirk only grow. "You changed me?"

He nodded, almost as if pleased with himself. "While you were dead asleep, which was no easy task."

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling my cheeks heat up. "I feel violated."

He only rolled his eyes, shutting my car door and wrapping an arm around my wast to guide me to the entrance. "Well then you should have just woken up, instead of punching me in the stomach."

I laughed, admitting to myself that what he said was probably true. I was not a morning person.


He shook his head, in a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you manner just as we reached the front gate. When the guard at the doorway saw us, he nodded at us before gesturing us inside.

We walked through the crowded lobby, until Conner led me to the room that said 'Employees Only' on the door. I had almost forgotten that he had already been working my shift while I had been in the hospital.

Inside, Conner showed me how to clock in and out, and where out locker would be. Apparently, since the manager already hated us for being delinquents, he had only allowed us one employee locker for the both of us.

Conner put his phone and wallet inside, as well as his shirt, much to my delight. If I could at least spend the day checking out my hot-as-hell boyfriend, maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

I put in my shorts, and Conner handed me my sunglasses, which he must have grabbed from my room before he left. Together we headed out to the pool area, hand in hand.

I nervously looked around at the pool area as we walked towards the life guard stands. The pool was packed with people, mostly kids. The adults were all sunbathing in the pool chairs, and a couple of teenagers were sitting farther away in the grassy area. How bad could it be?

We stopped, and I realized that we had reached the life guard stand.

"You wanna sit in this really tall chair, or that really tall chair?" He teased me, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

I giggled involuntarily. "This one's closer. You can go sit in the other one Con." I gestured to the other life guard chair on the opposite side of the pool.

He nodded, still smiling as he gave me one last lingering kiss that made my breath hitch in my throat. I watched as he made his away around the pool to his chair, completely oblivious to the stares of teenage girls that followed him.

I carefully climbed up in my chair, attempting not to slip off and fall in the pool on my first day here. I slipped on my aviators, seeing Conner do the same from the corner of my eye.

Now what? Was I just supposed to watch the kids in silence all day, waiting for one to drown?

I looked over at Conner, to see him scolding one of the kids for running in the pool area. Ooooh, so I was supposed to enforce the rules too!

I casually looked around the pool, but everyone seemed to be perfectly fine and enjoying their Sunday afternoon.

I jumped when I felt a sudden cold splash. Below me, a saw two little boys giggling up at me as they watched me. I glared at them, but it only seemed to make them giggle louder.

"Please don't splash me." I told them with as much fake-politeness as I could muster.

They glanced at each other, before they continued to splash water at me. And the worst past was, I'm pretty sure they would have stopped if I hadn't asked them too.

I used my arms to block my face. "Hey! Stop it you little-"

"Hey kids!" Conner's voice interrupted my swearing from across the pool, probably saving my ass. "Leave the poor girl alone!"

I turned my glare to him, and he only winked teasingly. Oh he was soooo going to get it later...

But to my relief, the boys only gave Conner apologetic smiles, before swimming off to the other end of the pool.

How did he do that?!

I huffed at Conner's smug look, pulling my slightly wet hair up into a lazy bun. But just as I finished, another cold splash got me.

Maybe they didn't like Conner more after all!

My head snapped down at the water, prepared to throw caution to the wind and just give the two buggers a piece of my mind. "Now listen here you-"

This time, I cut myself off when I noticed that instead of two little boys looking up at me mischievously, there was one teenage guy. I recognized him as one of the teenagers that had been sitting in the grassy area earlier.

Oh great.

"Ummm, hi there." I said, confused as to why he splashed me.

"Hello there, beautiful." The guy purred, giving me a bright smile as he ran a hand through his beach-styled blond hair.

Oh, that's why they splashed me.

Now don't get me wrong, he was totally considered hot and I usually had nothing against a little flirting. Just nothing about him compared to the boyfriend that I already had.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely, attempting to appear oblivious to his flirting and trying not to squirm as he openly checked me out. I could never quite tell if boys purposefully got caught checking out girls.

"Yes, yes you can." He smirked, stepping closer until his head was a few inches from my shins.

I waited for him to continue, but he only stared at me expectantly. "Yesss?" I pressed, starting to get impatient.

"Oh, right." He looked slightly taken aback for a moment, before his flirty look was back in a flash. "I think I lost my phone number around here somewhere, so can I just have yours?"

I gave him a blank look. "Does that actually work on girls?"

He looked surprised to say in the least. But once again, the cocky smile returned to his lips again in an instant. "Only the really pretty ones."

"Okay then." I glance up to where Conner was sitting, to see that he had been watching the whole time, with his jaw clenched and his hands curled into fists at his side. His aviators were now on top of his head, and his shocking green eyes almost glowed as he seethed at the back of the guys head.

"Ummm, look guy-I-don't-know." I turned back to the horny teenager in the pool. "I already have a boyfriend."

He only rolled his eyes. "Of course you do." He said sarcastically, making me raise my eyebrows. "And what is this 'boyfriend's name? I bet I could kick his ass any day."

Now it was my turn to glare daggers at him. I was just about to open my mouth to tell him what I really thought about him, when a voice spoke behind me.

"Somehow, I highly doubt that."

I looked over to see that Conner was not sitting in his chair anymore. Instead, he was standing right next to me with his arms crossed over his chest.

The boy instantly looked terrified as he looked up at my boyfriend. "Oh, ummm... I'm just gonna go now." And with that, he swam away like a terrified mouse and ran out to where his friends were already laughing at him.

I giggled as Conner grabbed onto my hand possessively, still glaring after the boy. "You know Con, for such a friendly dude you sure can be intimidating."

He instantly lightened up as I ruffled his dark hair with my free hand. It felt nice to be couple with him in public around people we didn't know.

"You're welcome." He winked at me, pulling down his shades over his eyes once more.

I rolled my eyes and leaned down to give him a kiss. When Conner pulled away and beamed, I saw the horny guy pouting over by his friends as he watched us, from the corner of my eye.

"Now go back to saving kids!" I commanded him, lightly pushing him away. He saluted me, before marching back to his post.

He was such a child sometimes.




We were of course, politely asked to leave early after an incident in the pool.

Let's just say that Conner thought I was a football and threw me in the pool.

I was silently cursing to myself as I dried myself off in the locker room, pointedly ignoring Conner as he continued to laugh.

I grabbed my shorts and stormed past him towards the lobby.

"Aww come on S!" He followed me, still laughing. "It was funny!"

"Glad I could sacrifice my dignity for your entertainment." I muttered back, still refusing to look at him. We got some pretty weird looks from club members, but no one commented as I marched grumpily out into the parking lot.

Conner was silent, and for a moment I thought he was going to apologize.

Until he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I yelled indignantly. "Put me down!"

"No can do girlfriend of mine." He replied cheerily continuing to walk as if I weighed nothing.

"Conner Rogers!" I growled. "I can walk you know!"

"I know."

I huffed, hitting him wherever I could reach, which just so happened to be his ass.

"Are you trying to convince me or encourage me?" I didn't need to see his face to know that he was smirking.

I blushed, and was secretly glad that he couldn't see me. But before I could reply, I was suddenly plopped down onto my feet again as we reached the car.

I grudgingly sat down as he opened my door for me, crossing my arms over my chest. He walked around to sit in the drivers seat, a cheeky smile on his face as he turned to look at me again.

"You know, crossing your arms like that makes your boobs look really nice."

My entire face felt like it was on fire as I looked down to see that he was right, especially since I was wearing a swim suit. I immediately whipped my hands to my sides.

Conner only laughed, and I knew that he had only been teasing me. He leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek that literally made my skin sizzle a little.

I covered my blush with my hands to feel that my cheeks were in fact hot. Beside me, Conner laughed again, and I felt like a total school girl as my cheeks heated up even more against my wishes.

Conner only smiled adoringly at me before he turned on the car and started to drive us home.


Tada!!!! Sorry about the wait, I've been a little busy lately :/

So just tell me what you think guys!

Ps. I super love the cool banner!

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