Chapter 46- Live and Let Go

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Being carried through the dark house, barely able to think let alone move, and silent watching Alex's ghostly pale face in the pair of arms a few steps behind, I can honestly say that I had never felt more helpless.

"Now, who's first?"

His last words were echoing in my mind and scaring me half to death, but I couldn't even find it in me to whimper. All I could do was tremble and try to find comfort in Conner's arms. Because even though he appeared to be in contemplation, I had already seen his decision all over his face. He had already made it the moment that he had hung up the phone earlier that night. The question had been rhetorical.

He had already decided on me.

Which meant that if Conner and Jerry had shown up just a mere minute later, I would be dead right now.

I was brought out of my dark thoughts at the sound of Conner's soft voice as he murmured to Jerry. "I can hear him somewhere behind us. The flour hadn't been enough to knock him out."

My blood ran cold, and I realized that sure enough, I could hear the heavy patter of feet somewhere behind us.

Jerry grunted in acknowledgement, and he tightened his grip on Alex. "Then we sure as hell better hurry." He picked up the pace, and Conner easily followed suit, but I could tell that they were tiring, if only a little. It couldn't have been easy, carrying two teenage girls while they ran.

After another agonizing minute, that honestly felt longer than forever, we managed to burst through the -luckily already open- front door. But one glance up at Conner's face, and I knew that we weren't in the clear just yet. Aaron's footseteps were still following close behind us.

With a little more room and a lot more lighting than inside, Conner and Jerry sprinted down the long driveway at full speed. I worriedly glanced behind us, but Aaron was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit!" Jerry exclaimed, and suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

Conner nearly tumbled over Jerry and Alex in the process of stopping, but instead managed to reverse his momentum and land on his butt. He was quick to shift the position of his arms around me to cushion my fall, but I felt him wince as he took the full force of the fall. I was plopped into his lap, and I felt his hand suddenly grip mine in a death squeeze. But when I looked up at him in surprise, I saw that he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at something ahead of us.

Even though my entire being was screaming at me not to, I slowly lifted my head, and let out a breathy gasp at the sight in front of us.

He was standing directly in our paths, his huge build and broad shoulders making an effective road block. He wasn't all too difficult to recognize, especially since he was still wearing the exact same clothing as he had before.

"Sorry fellas, I'm afraid I can't let you go any farther." The club bouncer smiled almost apologetically.

"Dammit Selena! Did you piss off everyone in that dumbass club?!" Jerry groaned.

My eyes must have been comically wide at the sight of yet another familiar face, because when his sharp gaze landed on me his smile widened.

"Nice work Mike." Conner stiffened at the sound of Aaron's voice. I turned my head just in time to see him step up behind us, and I shivered when I realized that we were effectively surrounded. Like a group of mice, being cats. And judging from the looks on both their faces, they had been playing with us the whole time.

"Aaron?" Mike said in surprise, his eyes squinting as he took in his accomplices' appearance. "Why do you look like the Pillsbury dough boy?"

Jerry snorted, and even Conner cracked a smile as Aaron's face flushed red. "N-never mind that! Just do your job and round up the victims!"

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