Chapter 12- What to do, What to do......

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After we had left the park, the sun was already starting to sink in the sky.

When Travis drove me home, we were smiling and laughing like old friends, as opposed to the usual glaring and snarky retorts. I found myself actually enjoying spending time with the Brit, even if his straight-out-of-harry potter accent sometimes got on my nerves.

But of course, then I got home and the entire evening was ruined.

"Say it again!" I insisted, still laughing as he parked in my driveway.

I could see him roll his eyes before giving in. "Bloody hell! 'Ello Govna, are you up for a spot of tea?"

I guess his accent has some perks.

I giggled hysterically once more, at his absolutely ridiculous, overly dramatic British accent. He rolled his eyes again and pointed out that people in England didn't actually talk like that. I ignored him.

When Travis opened the door for me, bowing dramatically, I let out another giggle. I let him help me out of the car, resting my hand in the crook of his arm as he escorted me up the driveway.

It was almost physically scaring me, with how at ease I felt around him.

"Right this was my lady." He stuck his nose in the air snootily, his British voice uptight.

I snorted, taking the opprotunity to trip him. Since his face was looking upward, he didn't see my foot until he was tumbling onto the road.

"Hey!" He pouted as I laughed even harder. "I'm so getting you back for that!"

I was smart enough to run to the door with a head start, seeing as my athletic ability barely rivaled Elmo's. Before I had even made it half-way, he had caught up to me, grabbing me around the waist and making me laugh/shriek (though personally I prefer to think of it as a laugh).

But then the porch light flicked on, revealing a severely pissed off Conner watching us from the porch, with his arms crossed over his chest and a fierce look marring his handsome face.

I took a step away from Travis immediately, feeling my stomach drop at the hurt I could see in Conner's eyes beneath his protective glare. However, Travis could only see the completely-pissed-off-teenage-boy-anger, seeing as he warily took a step back from me. But he was my best friend, and I could read him like a book. His usually cocky and cheerful expression was gone without a trace.

He was seriously pissed, but he was also more upset than I had ever seen him. My mouth went numb when I realized that I had caused him to feel that, and I knew exactly why.

I hadn't told him about my date with Travis.

Usually, he didn't like me dating anyone. But Travis was a whole different story. He was the guy that suspected us, the guy that sent Conner's nerves on end. He didn't even know about the whole blackmail date situation either. The steely look in his flaming green eyes was so uncharacteristic it was starting to scare me.

To be honest, I would have been pissed at myself if I was him too.

The second he stormed back into my house, I chased after him. "Conner! Wait!" I panted, as he sprinted up the stairs.

Man I hate running.

I chased after him, not even bothering to say good bye to Travis. As I passed the living room, I saw Sam and Stanton sitting on the sofa, looking at me disapprovingly with their arms crossed over their chests, and shaking their heads at me as if I were a kindergartner who had just poured glue into another kids hair.

I didn't even have time to roll my eyes at how cliche they looked, in fear that I would end up face planting into the ground and ruining the whole serious effect for everyone else.

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