Chapter 17- Life of the Party

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Alex hadn't been kidding when she said that she would follow me home after school.

Conner and I pulled into my driveway, leaving a space beside us for Alex and Lilly to pull in too. I guess she had managed to rope Lilly into this too. She parked beside us, happily bouncing out of Lilly's punch buggy and checking her hair and make up in the reflection of the car windows.

Lilly grudgingly got out of the car after her, a bored look on her pretty face as she absent mindedly played with her blond hair.

Conner and I made our way inside the house, where we saw the twins chasing around a screaming six year old, making loud animalistic roars and stomping like elephants.

Great, I just got home and things were already chaotic.

"Alex is right outside." I informed them, causing two of the brothers to freeze where they stood.

Stanton immediately stopped what he was doing to sprint behind the couch, hiding from view. "Yikes!" Sandy yelped, diving behind the sofa after Stanton with a scared look in his baby blue eyes.

Stanton poked his head out from behind the sofa, beckoning to the remaining brother urgently. "Sam! Come on! She's coming!"

Sam shrugged. "So what? She's hot."

I rolled my eyes, and I heard Conner chuckle next to me.

"Sammy! Bad manwhore!" Sandy scolded his brother, leaving him with his mouth dropped open. Conner and I were trying to contain our laughter when Alex burst into the room.

"BOYS!! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! Oh hi, Sam!" She lowered her voice, moving over to kiss his cheek after giving him a completely obvious, appreciative look over. Lilly walked in grumpily behind her, moving to stand on my other side with her arms crossed.

Sam smirked flirtily. "Hello there." He gladly returned the look. "Hi Lilly." His flirty tone instantly changed into a friendly one when he regarded my other gal pal. She smiled back tiredly, and Sam went back to undressing Alex with his eyes.

Alex chuckled, patting his cheek. "Save that for later Sammy. Now where was I? Oh right. STANTON!! SANDY!!"

Sandy's whimpering from behind the sofa gave him away.

"SANDY!" She lunged behind the sofa like a mountain lion, pulling Sandy up in a lung-crushing bear hug that probably could have killed a small whale.

Sandy's face was starting to turn purple by the time she put him down. She placed a wet kiss on his burning cheek, before moving her sharp green gaze to where Stanton was slowly inching away from her.

"Stanty!" She walked to him, swaying her hips in a way that made the twins eyes go wide. Conner chuckled, seeming to be the only teenage male in the world who was unaffected by her seductive ways.

Stanton swallowed nervously. "Hi-i Al-lex."

She stopped in front of him, tilting her head to the side to let her red locks fall to her hips. "Hi sexy." She purred. "Did you miss me?" She peered at him through her lashes, and he anxiously ran a hand through his brown hair.

"Of-f course." He stumbled a little when she started to run a manicured hand down his chest.

"Alex." Lilly rolled her eyes from where the three of us were trying not to laugh.

Alex sighed, removing her hand from my poor brother's chest. "Well, we have to go Stanty. But don't worry, I'll be back." She slipped her hand to pinch my brother's butt, causing him to jump slightly.

And with that, she turned on her heels and strutted out of my living room, Lilly in tow right behind her giving the boys an apologetic smile. Sam's eyes were glued to Alex's rear end as she walked by.

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