Chapter 37 [Broken Hearts]

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  • Dedicated to Eliza Monroe and _RetroLuv_ for their birthday

My Roommate is the world biggest jerk37

all the typos and grammar oopsies, just bear with me people... 

Chapter 37 [Broken Hearts]

I cannot help but to stare at Aiden and Ryan back and forth, unable to speak while furiously praying to God for some sort of enlightenment as to how I was supposed to deal with the situation. Again, Ryan questioned me. This time he kept his hand to himself.

“Well Fay, are you?” feeling helpless I muster my will to look at Ryan and attempted to smile. But the muscles in my cheeks were not cooperating; instead I produced a grim wiggle using the tips of my lips.

“Ex husband.” The admission came out in a hard whisper. Aiden shifted in his seat.

“Not yet exactly sweetheart.” Aiden sounded calm yet there was no mistaking the threatening edge of his voice. I turned to look at him, my heart fluttered by the sight of his grim leer. Sensing the impending screaming fest and all hell that was about to break loose, I racked my head for excuses to get Ryan out of the room. I ushered him to the hallway where I explained the whole truth to him sans the part where the livid man inside the room was the crown prince and I was his runaway princess.

Ryan was reluctant to leave me alone to face Aiden’s wrath but there was no avoiding the confrontation. Try as I might to run away I can never hide from Aiden, giving the remark ‘you can run but you can’t hide’ a whole new understanding. But I honestly did not expect him to find me so fast.

After my new friend left trudging down the stairs I collected myself and reentered the room. Aiden was still on the sofa looking pointedly at me as if waiting for me to begin doing the impossible: to explain. I had every intention of justifying my actions but the problem was that, I did not know how to say it or where to start.

“You found me.” I breathed, standing in the middle of my miniscule living room facing Aiden and all of his fury. He remained on the chair and with his unflinching stare, scaring the living daylight out of me.

“But apparently I was too late.” He snapped back. “Who the hell was that?”

“A friend, that’s all.” But apparently my answer did nothing but to fuel to anger. Aiden got up and stood close to me with hands on his hips: fuming. Terrified I took a step back until my back met the door with a soft thud. There was nowhere else to run to, nowhere to escape. His face was inches from mine, his blue eyes stared at me with an accusing gaze. It trapped me, paralyzing my body from moving and successfully rooted me on the floor.

“Aiden…” left with nothing else to say or do, I called him name. My call seemed to jolt some sense in him because he stepped back. Aiden took a pace backwards and turned on his heels heading to my window. With his eyes fixed on the lonely street below he spoke:

“Just tell me why Fay because I really don’t understand this.”

I was staring at his back in silence for the longest time and the question went unanswered. Finally Aiden turned to face me again. I cast him into a quick searching look from head to toe. It had only been a week since I had last seen him and nothing had changed about him. He had probably board the first plane to London after he had found out what I had done.

Seeing him now made me realized how much I had missed him. All I wanted to do now was to run into his embrace and begged him to forgive me. Undo everything and return to Claymore. I wanted to go home. I was stupid to think that I could brace years alone without him, I was foolish to think that I wanted to be independent.

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