Chapter 22 [Aiden Storme, Alex Stockholm]

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My roommate is the world biggest jerk22

Which will be your pick ladies? Team Alex or Team Aiden??

Chapter 22 [Aiden Storme, Alex Stockholm]

The 8th of March is Rose day, as well as Aiden’s birthday and today is March 1st.

Looking back at things that had happened thus far into the New Year I should be smiling really wide but after my family’s debt with the loan sharks had been mysteriously settled and that they were actually asking for an additional thousand dollars worried me a lot more. Then of course, just like the sum that had previously settled, the thousand dollars had been inexplicably paid for as well. i stayed up night after nights thinking about it, I had bags under my eyes for proof.

Aiden was concentrating on his work at this desk at the Hole, every once and a while looking up from his task to look at me and I would return his smiles. I was reading a short novel for my reading assignment but I had a hard time focusing. I kept thinking about stuff and even about the mysterious sender of the white roses from valentine. Though the fourteenth of February had passed a long time ago but no one had stepped up. I had asked Aiden about it right after my discussion with Mary but he frowned, thinking that orders must have been mixed up.

“I’m sure I sent you red roses, twenty five long stalk roses bouquet.” He said. I quickly assured him that I had indeed received the bouquet and thanked him for those perfect roses. I baked him a chocolate and blueberry muffin for Valentine, his favorite.

But frankly speaking, I had an idea as to who sent me those white roses, but every time I thought about it, the less convinced I was of my conclusion. Sure, I was much aware of Alex’s feelings for me but every time I heard Victoria (we called her Vic now, since she had been constantly hanging out with us) laughed at some secret things Alex whispered to her ear, the more I thought that Alex had truly moved on.  Sometime last week Mary and I had been forced to spend some ‘bonding’ time with Vic, since Alex was dating her and she was spending much time with us, Alex suggested that us girls should get to know each other well.

Even though it was hard for me to admit it, I still felt that twinge in my gut and the sudden lurch of my heart whenever I saw Victoria and Alex together. For the most part, I felt slightly guilty toward Aiden; I should not have this feeling anymore. Or perhaps it was my own guilt toward Alex for my unuttered apology, I was nor even sure anymore. He still refused to talk to me about what happened Christmas Eve. Though we weren’t cold toward each other, we weren’t exactly as close as we were either. The most conversation we had over the weeks had been about calculus. I felt as if it would be better if we didn’t spoke at all, if we were going to talk about calculus.

I had discovered the hardest part of all during the shopping trip Mary, Victoria and I took a week ago. It was easier for me to dislike her if she was a slut, if she was using Alex just for fun or if she was mean. It would have made my life a whole lot easier if she was this obnoxious rich girl, who think highly of herself and couldn’t care less about others. Imagine my dismay that she was nice, cool and likable on top of being blessed with perfect genes.

Victoria Christel was great and she treated me as if I had been her friend since forever plus, we liked the same music. We had the same if not identical taste in fashion and confessed that she liked the taste of instant coffee better than those overpriced ones in coffee houses. She was not cheap but preferred to hit thrift shops for awesome stuff and even spent one summer folding clothes at a department store. Now, for a kid of the man worth up to 13 billion according to Forbes, it was highly impressive in my book. She was great and now, it didn’t seem hard at all to picture how Alex could have fallen for her. Alex had been a great friend to me and a genuine person – he deserved someone as cool as Victoria as his girlfriend.

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