Chapter 13 [Kiss and Tell]

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My roommate is the world biggest jerk13

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xoxo, zafariel! 

Chapter 13 [Kiss and Tell]

It was a long drive home from the great House with Ryui as my silent designated driver. I skipped school today too, as I stayed all afternoon in the Great House half listening to the ‘action plan’ the royal PR department had conjured up. It wasn’t much really; I didn’t understand why the explanation needed to drag for so long.

It was just kiss and tell. What we basically had to do was let slip some public display of affection for a few months before officially breaking up from our fake relationship. Nothing complicated like rocket science. I was still busy sorting out the tangled mess that seemed to piled up in my head, trying to fathom how on earth did I managed to land myself in this confusion when the sedan pulled up in front of my house.

It was already nearing dusk and the colors of twilight had taken over the horizon. The lights were on in my house and the windows had been thrown open. My mom was home. I fidgeted around in the car before I finally gathered up the courage to grasp the door handle.

Until suddenly Ryui felt that I needed pep talk and patted me on the shoulder. It scared the bejessus out of me.

“Geez man, you almost made me jump out of my skin!” I complained, fishing a small smile from him.

“I noticed that you didn’t call you mom all day, about this?” he questioned and I nodded.

“I don’t have a phone.” I answered. Yes, as ridiculous as it may sound but really, I did not own any cell phone. I know that at some point that I may needed to have one, in case of emergencies such as these but, I did not want to burden my mom with such frivolous request. A few hundred dollars for the phone can be used for more important needs such as paying this month’s rent or something along same lines.

“You don’t have a cell phone?” Ryui cocked his brow, repeated the question again as if the answer I had given him sounded illogical. I nodded.

“I don’t see it as a real need.” I commented.

“Well, we’ll just have to get you one next time. So, are you nervous?” I gave out a shaky laugh for the rhetorical question.

“More than I have ever felt in living memory. I’ve always been a handful but I never had been into this kind of problem you know? Never this big.” I twisted the end of my red scarf.

“The national paper never published any of your blunders before?” he joked but I shot him a cold look instead, faltering the tug of smile on his lips.

“Thanks for the reminder.” I added sarcastically much to his amusement. He chuckled again. I smiled a bit seeing the warmth in his laugh and the twinkle in his pale eyes. Once his laughter ceased, he dug his hand in his coat pocket and fished out a cell phone which me handed to me.

“Just in case, I think you should have this.” He said. I was stunned for a second, admiring the smooth lines of the phone. It was a Motorola phone in burgundy red, not the newest model but still for someone who doesn’t own a phone; it was one of the greatest things in the world. But I pushed it back to his hand.

“I know it’s not the latest model or anything but I wanted you to have it okay? And don’t worry, I have one more.” He said, reaching to the glove compartment and drawing out a Motorola Android, dangling it in the air for me to see.

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