Chapter 23 [Prom & Graduation]

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  • Присвячено Teq Muteah

My roommate is the world biggest jerk23

and i apologize for any grammatical error beforehand....

Chapter 23 [Prom & Graduation]

I wanted to throw the phone to the wall, where I imagined it would shatter into a bits and pieces. But I didn’t, instead, I just stared at it as it rang. And rang and rang.

Then the ringtone stopped and the light died out. I reached for the phone and checked the call log. I had in total seventeen miscalls, ten messages and my voice box was probably full by now. I gulped as I stared at the name of the caller ID. The same name that filled my inbox, I didn’t dare to open and read them all afraid I was still not strong enough.

It was Saturday night, tomorrow school will commence as always.

Today was March 8 and it was Aiden’s birthday. I wondered what he did to celebrate it. Perhaps he drank and laughed, that he had fooled me so well. That I was too easy and stupid. And now he was drunk dialing me, which was probably it.

But a little voice in me spoke up and knew that he called because he was sorry. It was Aiden doing his job again, and the crown prince protects his family. Mom had an idea of what was going on when I returned home puffy eyed. She suspected that I had a fight with Aiden and did not make a big deal out of it, bless her.

I had come to a conclusion of what I was going to do. I hated it but it had to be done. I dislike owing people, and I hated the most being in debt with the person who now I despise above all else. My phone chirped again and this time, I took in a deep breath and answered the call.

“Hello?” I bit my lips and forced myself to sound okay but my hands were already trembling. Pain pouched my heart again but I had to do this. I had to.

“Fay…” on the other line Aiden’s voice was low, faltering, and painful. So he was not drunk dialing me. i closed my eyes. I can do this, I am strong.

“Meet me at the playground near my house tomorrow, 10 a.m.”  And before he got to say anything I turn off the phone.

The morning was balmy and the sky was blue. I was sitting on one of the swing staring at the laces of my shoes when he arrived. He took to the swing next to mine.

We said nothing for the longest time, or perhaps for just a few second: I don’t know. But each passing second was stretched and filled with silence. Finally Aiden cleared his throat. I kept on staring at the ground.

“I’m so sorry. I should have told you.”

“Yes you should.” I sensed that his rigidness melted away and it seemed to him that from my tone of voice that I had forgiven him because he had now turned to me and was about to say more. But I beat him to it.

I had no intention of forgiving and if he thought that I would, he was mistaken.

“And now there is no going back…” Aiden’s swing creaked and I saw that he had gotten off from it. he was now stood in front of me, looking down at me. His eyes were hard. I can tell that he was frustrated but I was beyond that now.

He lied to me and had all but shoved money into my hands, to keep our so called relationship to last longer than planned. I heaved a long breath.

And I had lost my virginity to him in a drunken night that meant nothing, fueled by lust and alcohol. And that was the gateway to all the madness that had followed. He had taken me in a whirlwind that had turned my life upside down. Now I had people followed me every once in a while, when I was out with my friends. Pictures of me and my mom taken, my choice of everyday wear was displayed in magazines and tabloid for the world to criticize and watched.

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