Abuse and in love {For sale}

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He hit her one last time before he left the room. I looked over at her, laying there lifeless and yet she was still humming a happy tune. Curling up against the cold wall, I studied her; she was different, her beauty amazed me and her courage stunned me. To be almost unresponsive to anything that just happened. As I was trying to figure her out, she sat up and looked at me. Immediately I turned to face the corner. I could feel her eyes sitting upon me, searching deeply for something in my soul and piercing every inch of my body. Suddenly she spoke up. "Does he scare you?" I looked over at her and cleared my throat. "Yeah, scares me to death" I spoke quietly but clearly. She gazed down at the plain cement floor, and then focused back to me. "Don't worry," She said. "He may hit but his pain is much stronger then ours. The pain of this place will run though him much longer then it runs through us." Not knowing what she meant I questioningly glared at her. "What's your name?" She asked me. "Jaylon..." Smiling she said "Nice to meet you Jaylon, I'm Scarlet". She then reached out her hand for mine to shake. Just as I was about to come closer a man burst through the door. I quickly slide back up against the wall. The man started yelling and cursing at Scarlet. He walked over to me and bent down to my eye level. I stopped my breathing, I felt my palms sweat while I had them flat down on the cold hard floor. Raising the end of his gun, he hit me straight across the face. It hurt, but I didn't dare move. He walked back over to Scarlet. She looked back at me, then back at him with a smile. "Hit me" She whispered. A tear rolled slowly down her face. The man grabbed her by her hair. "I hope you know by now, I have no obligation to stay alive. So hit me." as he raised his fist, he then threw her back to the ground he spat on her and left the room. Nothing more was said that night, instead I just laid in the same spot till morning. When I did awake, it was early. Standing up a stretched; my back was sore from the hard and cold cement floor. Looking around I noticed Scarlet was still in the room. I wanted to ask Scarlet so many questions. And I suppose I knew she would never have the answers, but I was determined to know something. Around noon the next day I started a conversation with her. "Do you" I cleared my throat. "Do you know why your here?" She made a face at me. Not the sad kind of face, more like the what the hell are you talking about kind of face. "No. I assume their going to kill me that's why Im here, but I don't know why im alive still." I watched her as she etched her name with fingers on the ground. I honestly didn't understand this woman. Just as well as me, she's kidnapped, Im pretty sure were going to die. And yet, she acted as if she had no a care in the world. "Listen" Fiercely looking over at me. "Right now, we're here. We ain't' no place else but in this cellar, okay? There's no point in wondering why we're here, when it's not going to do me or you any good." I suppose you could say that I understood what she was getting at, but then again I suppose you could say I didn't. Either way I accepted what Scarlet had said; aside from the fact I was a logic person, who needed a logic conclusion. When pieces of something don't logically match up, it drives me crazy.

I thought about wondering if I would be alive tomorrow, why Im not already dead, yet Scarlet couldn't have a care in the world. I thought about who these men were and why they had us kidnapped. Scarlet wasn't always like this, some days she was serious and wouldn't say a word, other days she would be oblivious to anything around her, sometimes days she would provide me with answers for some of my questions, but the next day she would be angry or sad. The time we spent here together our bond got stronger and we fell in love but we were never going to last....... Our end was approaching us.

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