Chapter 14

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Minho's Point of View

I woke up earlier than I normally do. Today is the day I have been dreading. Lucy trying out for Runner. I got up early and got everything together for her.

I went to Frypans's and got us some sandwiches and water bottles. Went and got running clothes, and hair bands. Also got her shoes. Trust me, it wasn't easy. She shucking small feet. I grabbed a knife and a runner watch. Last thing I got was an extra notebook.
I put everything we both needed inside a small backpack.

We weren't supposed to give our most of this stuff but oh well. She deserves being treated like a princess. I smiled to myself at the name. I like calling her that. I don't get why she doesn't like it.

I went back up to our room to see she was still sleeping.


"Hmm? Morning princess." She said with a smirk.

"Let's get moving ya? I got everything together for you. You have some time if you want to do something."

"Ok. Can you guard the shower door for me?" She said giving a yawn.

"With my life."

She gave a tired chuckle. I kissed her. She barely even kissed me back.

"Someone is tired hmm?" I said while we walked to the showers.

"Yea yea." She mumbled. What was up? She is normally a morning person.

"You feeling alright?"

"Ya, just everything hurts."



"It is something you little liar." I said teasing.

"It's nothing." She snapped. She gave a big sigh and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, I'm just feeling myself this morning ok?"

"Alright babe."

We reached the showers.

"No peeking." She said pointing her finger at me.

"Maybe, maybe not."

She rolled her eyes and went inside the shower door.

Lucy's Point of View

Well, Mother Nature decided to drop by last night. I was sleeping than woke up to a pain in my stomach. Went to the bathroom and what do ya know. There she is.
Of course she dropped by on the day I was running to. Of course.

I felt bad snapping at Minho. I didn't want to tell him what is going on cause, he is a guy. It's weird. I finished up my shower quickly. Put my clothes on and realized I was missing something.
Something I needed very much.
I quickly ran out of the showers and Minho stopped me.

"Where you going?"

"To our room. I gotta do something quick."

"What it is? I'll do it for-"

"No! I mean no thanks. I'll meet you at Frypan's ok? Grab me some food?"

"Sure babe."

I ran straight towards the homestead and into our room. I looked for the crate Newt gave me with all of my stuff in it.

"Where is it!" I asked myself frantically. I found it shoved in the corner of the room. I ripped open the top and grabbed a tampon and pad. I could put the pad inside the runner bag, just in case something happens. I put the top back on and ran to the bathroom.

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