Chapter 15

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Lucy's Point of View

A Griever! I remember when Newt told me about it during the tour. He didn't really go into detail about it. This was hideous. It was like the shape of spider expect 100 times the size of it, made out of metal. It had claws, and vines wrapped around it; making it look 10 times worse.

Minho pushed us back to another corridor, only finding another two Grievers.

"Shit, shit, shit." Minho mumbled. I have never seen him so worried. He was pacing and his eyes were full of fright.


"What Lucy? Anything you have to say you can say it out loud now. We are going to die."

"Hush up." Minho scowled.
He hasn't looked at me once. I know he is upset and scared. He has never looked like this before.

I looked around to see if we could do anything to get out. I looked over at the wall.

The Vines! That's it. We can climb to the top.

"Guys? We can use the vines. Maybe we can walk the top of the walls?"

"And get thrown off by the Grievers. Way to go Lucy." Thomas said.

"At least I tried Tommy. I just didn't stand there useless!" She yelled whispered.

"At least I'm smart enough to use my brain in a good way."

"At least I don't hurt myself by getting pushed."

"At least I don't-"

"Shut. Up!" Minho growled at the both of us.

I felt tears streaming my face. Was this it? Am I really going to die here? My death is going to be by a Griever?

"Lu." Minho said.

He came over and wrapped his arms around my small frame. I tried not to make so much noise, so I tried to bury my head inside of his chest. I felling of claustrophobia came upon me. I cried even harder and began to shake. Minho sat down and put me on his lap.

I'm having a panic attack. I don't know why. I guess I'm afraid of dying. Then the walls of the Maze felt like they were getting smaller.

"Shh, shh. Babe I'm here." He cooed into my ear. I snuggled into his chest. I looked over and felt Tommy's hand go onto to my shoulder, while Minho rubbed tiny circles on my back.

"What do we do?" I said with my voice cracking.

"I don't know." Tommy said sitting next to Minho. Minho and Tommy had there backs against the wall.
Tommy brought his knees up and placed his elbows on them, covering his face with his hands.

Minho still rubbed circles on back.

"We are trapped, there are Grievers around us, no where to go. Tommy, we only have one option. We need to climb the wall. Maybe we have time to get back to the Glade still."

I looked over at my wrist to see my watch.

6:58 pm

"It's to late." I said with more tears forming. Minho gave a sigh."Look, we still need to get out of here."

Whir Click Click Whir

Click Whir Whir Click

"Like now."

"Come Lucy. You can do this. We believe in you." Tommy said.

"Luce please." Minho said giving me sad eyes. I saw the tears forming in his eyes as well.

"Ok." I said in a small voice.

"Tommy go up first. Lu second. I'll go last to make sure you two get up." Minho said.

I opened my mouth to protest about him going last but he cut me off.

"Luce please. Just I need the both of you to stay alive." Minho said with his voice cracking.

So, Tommy began to climb up. We decided that we would wait until each would reach the top. We didn't want to put to much weight on the vines.

"Luce?" Minho said.

"Yes?" I said.

He leaned in and kissed me like it will be the last kiss he will ever have.

"Don't make that my last kiss." I told him.

"Lucy. If I don't make it out of here tonight, I want to say that I love you."

Minho loves me? He loves me! Oh my gosh Minho LOVES ME!

I grinned.

"I love you to Minho. I love you more though." I said smirking. I leaned up and captured him in a kiss.

It was now my turn to climb.

"I'll see you at the top princess."

"You better."

I began to climb up the vines. It wasn't that difficult. I was just scared that a Griever was going to pop out any second and eat me.

I reached the top quicker than Tommy did and we motioned Minho to come up. He was about halfway to the top when we heard Grievers even closer than before. Minho picked up his pace and began to climb faster.

"Come on Minho." I mumbled.

Minho was 30 feet away when a Griever saw him. He stopped moving waiting for the Griever to make its first move.

The Griever looked at Minho. Minho moved an inch and the Griever went into full attack mood.

"MINHO!" I yelled.

He made it to the top and we began to run. I was the last one running when a Griever came and cut me across the leg. I cried out in pain causing Minho and Tommy to come back towards me.

"LUCY!" Minho and Tommy said in unison. I started to stand up only to fall into Tommy.

"I. Blood. Losing."

"I know, just hang on." Tommy said. He picked me up bridal style and him and Minho ran the top of the Maze walls.

The Grievers were following us, but we managed to push them away. I felt myself slowly losing consciousness.

"Lucy please try to stay awake." Tommy plead.

"I can't." I said slowly. Then I passed out.

When I woke up we weren't on the top of the walls anymore, we were on the ground. I looked around to see Minho and Tommy both asleep next to me.

Some how, I felt tired. I looked up to the sky to see a purple sky, and the stars slowly fading.

We proved everyone wrong. We are the first Gladers to survive a night in the Maze.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter sucks. :((((( I was typing this really fast cause I need to go somewhere. Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 15 ~Night~ 
Peace out!!


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