Chapter 22

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~Dr. Ava Paige and Gally?~

Lucy's Point of View




That's all I heard. My heart is beating so fast. I don't know if it was from the adenerline pumping through me or my nervousness. As soon as we turned that corner, I just stopped.

Will I make it? Will my friends make it? Where is the way out? How are we supposed to fight off all of those Grievers? Will Minho live? I'll beat the shucking-

"LUCY! SNAP OUT OF IT! LETS GO!" Thomas yelled snapping me out of the daze I was in. I ran down to see the Gladers with sticks pushing Grievers off the edges. They cheered in triumph when the successful pushed one off. Only to have two more Grievers come in.

"LUCY! GET TO THE BACK! CATCH!" Minho yelled and threw me some sort of mechanical thing.

"Chuck! Let's go!" I said. Chuck and I ran to the wall and the mechanical thing went from a red dot to a green one, opening three walls upward. We walked all the way in to be brought to a dark circle against the wall.

"Do we go in?" Chuck said with his voice echoing inside of the circle.

"I don't know. WHAT DO WE DO?" I yelled. Minho turned around to see us standing there clueless on what to do.

"GUYS! LETS GO! RUN!" He said dragging out the n. All the Gladers turned and began to run towards where we were. The next thing seemed to happen is slow motion.

Newt. He was running as best he could be a Griever grabbed his leg.

"NEWT!" I screamed and ran towards him. I grabbed a weapon that a Glader dropped and began to poke the Griever. The Griever noticed me and dropped Newt, causing him to cry out in pain.

Without me realizing Tommy and Minho were standing behind me. They ran over to Newt and picked him up. I froze, again. The Griever about to attack me, until Minho came and grabbed my hand. Everyone was there, waiting for us. The was three walls were slowly closing.

Adrenaline was pumping through me, only to make me go faster and faster. Minho and I had just made it when all three closed again. We were now stuck at the entrance of the hole.

"It's a Griever hole. I'm assuming it's where they go during the day." Minho said.

"And you want us to go down there?" I asked.

"If it means it could be our way out, then yes. I'll go first." Minho said. I grabbed his hand, not wanting him to go first.

"I'll meet you there, ok?" Minho said. He gave me a peck on the lips and hopped down. His movement in the hole caused echoes to form everywhere. When he got to the bottom he yelled an echoed "OK!"

Everyone looked around at each other, not wanting to go first. So I gladly stood up and went in. I heard gasps behind me when I went down.

It was pitch black. I couldn't see a darn thing. It was some sort of vent. Then I saw light reflecting off the circular vent I was in. It was a light blue.

Then I turned to see Minho standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Did you really need to make that much noise?" He smirked.

"Everyone needs to know that I'm coming, so they need to make way for the queen." I said beaming. He chuckled and kissed me. I pulled away to see bruises across his face and arms.

"Are you ok?" I asked in concern.

"I'm fine princess. Don't worry about me." He smirked and began to lean in again. We both heard rumbling in the vent, causing us to pull away. We saw Thomas come down and walk over.

After all of the Gladers came down the vent, we began to make our way.

"How do we get in?" I asked. We were currently standing in front of metal doors with a security panel and an area to swipe something. We wanted to go in.

"I don't know." Minho said. We began to walk around more until we came across someone dead laying down on the floor. It was a boy who had brown shaggy hair and was very tan. He had an ID clipped on his shirt.

"Maybe we can use this to open the door." I said picking up the ID card.

"Let's try it." Tommy said. We all headed back over to the where we were before. Minho took the card and swiped it down the side, causing it to turn green. The doors began to open.

We walked in to see emergency lights flashing off and people laying dead, everywhere. We walked further, entering some sort of science lab. There was medical supplies crashed and broken everywhere. More people dead.

"What happened?" I muttered to myself roaming the room. We heard a so familiar voice say

"Drop your weapons!"

We turned around to see Gally standing there with Dr. Ava Paige. She was from my dream. That bitch! I'll kill her! I grabbed my knife and began to walk toward the both of them, ignoring Gally orders.

"I SAID DROP IT!" Gally screamed at me. He came over to me and pushed me, causing me to fall into broken medical supplies. Minho and Tommy came running towards me helping me up.

"You good?" Minho asked with his voice full of concern.


"THOMAS! That's Dr. Ava Paige! She is lady from my dreams! I'll kill her. I'll-"

"Lucy there isn't anything that we can do. Just listen to what her and Gally have to say."

I groaned in respond and looked back at Dr. Ava Paige and Gally.

"So. Let me just say congratulations. We were expecting some of you to give up on the way. There are more survivors than we expected, but, the bigger, the better."

"How can you say that?" We lost so many people. We-" Thomas got cut off by a bullet going off. Once again, everything in slow motion. Tommy getting pushed out of the way, Minho throwing a spear at Gally.

Then, Dr. Ava Paige put a gun next to her head and pulled the trigger.

"NO!" I yelled, yes she did put us in the maze, but she could have had useful information. I turned around to see Newt and Tommy bawling their eyes out. Minho had tears rolling down his cheeks. What is going on?

I walked over to see someone I never want to see dying.


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't upload at all these past days. I'm back now though! So yea. Bye!!


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