Chapter 34

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~The Right Arm~

Lucy's Point of View

I laid there for a couple of more minutes until I heard Tommy stir. I slowly rose up, causing Minho to wake up.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's ok." He said placing his hand on my cheek. "How are you holding up?"

"I could be taking this better than I am." I said doubting my confidence.

"We'll be ok. I promise." He said. I smiled at his words.

"You need help man?" Frypan asked. I turned to see he was talking to Winston. He looked. Awful. His cut I guess you would say was bleeding through the cloth we put on it. He had dark circles under his eyes, making me assume he got no sleep last night. I'm surprised I did.

He helped him up and Tommy, once again, took charge.

"Let's go everyone."

"Where are we even going?" I asked. "You have a plan right?" All eyes were on Tommy and I.

"Uhh." He said and began to scratch the back of his head.

"We followed you out of here. Now you have no idea or plan on where we are going?" Newt said.

"I was just going to play it by year." He said with question in his voice. I groaned and Newt ran his fingers threw his hair.

"The first night I was here, I discovered the vents. While crawling, I heard Janson said something about The Right Arm (TRA) hiding in the mountains. Maybe we could go there?" Aris said stepping in. We all looked at Tommy, waiting for an answer.

"We'll since we have no where else to go..." He said trailing off. So we began out journey towards the mountains; where ever they are.

We walked outside to see buildings everywhere. Broken. Destroyed. There was trash flying around everywhere.

"I hope the whole world isn't like this." I head Frypan say. We were what felt 2 hours into our journey when Tommy stopped us.

"Hey. Hey! Listen." He told us. We all stopped and listened. It was like a humming sound. Then it clicked.


"Everyone hide! Hide now!" He told us. Minho pulled me over to a broken car and we went inside of it. He put me in his arms and I put my arms around his neck.

After the humming was gone, we all went back on our journey.

"Why are we so important?" I asked.

"I don't know." Tommy said. That was just the answer I was looking for. Note the sarcasm.

"Do you think that they will stop looking for us?" Minho asked. We all shrugged and continues our journey.

We reached the top of a sand dune and looked off into the distance. We saw some mountains far from here.

"That's where we are going?" Newt asked.

"Yep." Minho said popping the p at the end.

"Let's go." Tommy said. We began to walk when Winston fell down the sand dune.

"Winston!" We all cried out.

"Winston?! Winston come on!" Newt started.

"He can't walk." Tommy said. We were thinking of things to do for him until we decided to make a bed of some sort for him. They placed him on it and began to drag it.

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