Sherlock: Robot

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Request for jackskellingtonrulz5


"Look what finally came in the mail!" you chirped, busting through the door of the flat with the hefty package in hand. Sherlock glanced up momentarily from his laptop screen.

"A brown box, how exciting," he drawled boredly. You ignored him, and set the package down on the coffee table. You used your keys to slice through the packaging tape holding it together, and fished around in the styrofoam, finally pulling out your belated Christmas gift from your brother. You had already known it was coming, but you were still surprised by the fact he has actually gotten it for you. It was an interactive R2-D2 droid.

To say you were a Star Wars fan was a bit of an understatement. You had watched each of the movies numerous times, could practically recite the dialogue, and had gone to the premiere of the new one. Your brother had been the one to introduce you to the series, and since then, you had been a crazed fanatic. When your brother had accidentally informed you of what you were to be receiving for Christmas, you almost went into psychogenic shock.

Now as you held the precious gem in your hand, you almost went into shock again. It was truly beautiful.

"That's the thing you've been whining about forever for? I thought it was going to be something important." You snapped your head towards Sherlock and shot him a death glare.

"Do you understand what this is Sherlock Holmes? This is a fully functional droid. It responds to commands, plays hide and seek, and dances, probably better than you," he scoffed at that. "And even better, it's R2-D2."

"I don't think you understand what this is (y/n)," he said in his fake, excited voice, "it's a toy robot." But you didn't hear his negative comments; you were too busy taking R2-D2 out of the packaging and setting him on the ground. You found the on button and switched it on to Companion Mode. Reading through the listed commands, you ordered "go on patrol." Immediately the robot took off, winding around the coffee table and into the kitchen. He circled around and you watched in amazement while following his every move.

"Isn't this the coolest thing ever Sherlock?" you asked, leading the droid towards him. "Stop please," you ordered, nicely. R2 stood still, awaiting his next command. "Play message please," you ordered next, and he began to tell you about a famous mission he had embarked on.

"Let me try," insisted Sherlock, lunging for the directions and reading through the commands. You ordered R2 to end his story, politely of course, and he complied, no problem.

"Light beam," Sherlock commanded harshly. R2-D2 gave no response, as if he didn't hear. Sherlock waited, and you could tell his patience was beginning to wear thin.

"Try again," you suggested.

"Light. Beam." He accentuated both worlds, his voice bellowing through the flat. Still, no response from R2.

"Light beam please," you instructed politely. A part of R2 illuminated, and a flashlight shone on the ground. "Well he's not broken," you reassured Sherlock who was fuming. "Try using manners."

"It's a robot (y/n), it doesn't need manners to make it listen, unlike you." Brushing off the jab he threw at you, you ordered R2 to turn off his light beam.

"Try again," you urged, "and this time use manners." Sherlock rolled his eyes, and stood directly over the robot, looking down at it like a strict parent.

"Light beam." No response. Sherlock waited a few more seconds, then erupted in anger. "It doesn't like me!" he accused, tossing up his hands in frustration.

"Well first, you didn't say please. And second, weren't you just saying that this just a robot and is incapable of emotion? I believe 'liking' or 'disliking' qualifies as an emotion." You crossed your arms, feeling cool, as you had just outwitted Sherlock Holmes.

"Light beam," he tried again. No response.
"LIGHT BEAM!" Nothing.
"LIGHT BEAM!!!!!!" Zip. Sherlock stood tight lipped, his hands balled into fists and stuck firmly at his side. He rolled his eyes, and his eyes darted towards you quickly. "Please," he breathed out, bowing his head in shame. Immediately the light shone through R2. Sherlock's lips twitched in anger. He hated it when you were right. But you loved it, seeing as you rarely were. You took this rare opportunity to rub in his beautiful face.

"How smart of you to think to use your manners. Wish I would've suggested it," you teased. Sherlock scowled at you, then looked back down at the bot.

"Attack (y/n)," ordered Sherlock in annoyance at your smug remarks. R2 made no move, and you laughed.

"Manners," you reminded him cheekily.

"Please attack (y/n)." R2-D2 then broke into a round of dance and song. "I give up," groaned Sherlock, heading to his bedroom to mope while you spent the rest of the night playing hide and seek with R2.


1. I want to play hide and seek with a robot.

2. I most likely will only have weekend updates now. It's very difficult for me to write at all. Of course, if I have time I will definitely post one. It just depends on the week.

3. It's 2:15. I don't know why I always tell you guys what time it is. I'm just really tired.

4. Forgive my all over the place writing, my mind is swimming with thoughts.


6. I miss you guys and I miss the summer when I could write everyday and I could stay up late every night and write and life was good man.
Stupid school has to ruin everything.

7. Goodnight

8. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY BECAUSE I MEAN I THOUGHT it was funny but it was probably just my 2am mind thinking it was funny but it's really not

9. Cards Against Humanity is a very funny but very messed up game

10. Still not over Lestrade's rolled up sleeves.

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