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part six,
23:21- ;

"Fancy seeing you here, I didn't know you knew Joshua" Jeonghan said with a smirk on his face, taking a seat beside me on the couch as the couple making out left upstairs, without a breath.

"Oh I don't, I came with someone" I twiddled my thumbs and uncrossed my legs. Jeonghan placed his arm on the couch behind me, the same as Hansol was doing before he left to tend Joshua.

"I see, are you enjoying the party?" I nod quietly, I was about to say something when Jeonghan cut me off.

"Let's have some fun, you look all too sober to be at a party. Let me go grab some shots" I was about to protest that I didn't drink when Jeonghan got up and left, making his way into the kitchen. I sunk in my seat, there was no way I was taking shots. I started to panic, maybe I should make a run for it. I was at the brink of getting out of my seat when Jeonghan returned, balancing four shots in between his hands.

"Hope you like tequila!" He cheers, propping them down on the coffee table after brushing off the dozens of empty plastic cups.

"Jeonghan, I don't uh drink" I stutter as the nerves got to me, was he really going to make me do this? The silver haired boy forced the small glass into my hand as I stared at it, trying to gulp down my nerves.

"It will be fine Hana, loosen up a bit." He chucked down his first shot with no sign of burning down his throat. Picking up his other one he nodded for me to go.

"Jeonghan I really don't want to, please don't make me" now I was really starting to panic. Jeonghan was obviously not sober and who knows what he would do to make me take this shot.

"Hana, for gods sake just-" the boy was cut off when another voice came in, snatching the shot glass out my hand they glared at the silver haired boy.

"She said she didn't want to do it" Hansol sounded angry as he softly placed the tequila on the table, taking a seat beside me. He crossed his arms and I tried to not take notice of the adorable grumpy look he had on his face. His hair was even more messy than when he left, making me wonder how much effort it was to put Joshua to bed.

"Hansol! I was wondering when you were gonna show up" Jeonghan slurred, drowning down his other shot. I side glanced Hansol, I didn't know they knew each other.

"I've been here this whole time" Hansol said bluntly, unamused by the drunken boys attitude. Jeonghan looked between us both, like a tennis match was going on in his head. Then he opened his mouth like he realized something.

"You guys came together" Jeonghan winked, leaving me and Hansol to share a confused look.

"I see, Hana you didn't tell me you had a budding romance!" His cheerful comment made me choke on my own spit. A budding romance? With Hansol? Hansol had the same reaction to me, giving me an embarrassed side glance we both opened our mouth to speak.

"We don't have a budding romance!" we say in in sync, as Jeonghan smiles wider.

"Well that's good news then, I wouldn't want anyone stealing my little Hana from me" I groan in annoyance as Jeonghan grabs my cheek in his hand, wiggling it around. What am I five? I am certainly not little. Hansol flicks the boys hand away from me, a scowl plastered on his pale face as he grabs my hand and pulls me up.

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