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part eight,
11:02- ;

"You have a lot of explaining to do Mr" was the first thing I said as Hansol knocked in the door, After I insisted to Lynn that she didn't have to welcome him in every time he came.

"Hi to you too" Hansol sarcastically says as he pushes past me, making his way to the study, in which Father let us kindly use again. I arrived in the room seconds later as I leaned against the door and just watched him place his backpack down and unpack his books onto the wooden table. From the back his hair was a mess, like he had ran his hands through it multiple times, he wore grey track pants and a white t-shirt, seeming as if he wanted to be comfortable for the session.

"Are we going to start or are you just going to keep staring at me?" He says, back still turned to me as he places down the last text book. Why does he have such an attitude today? He certainly wasn't like this the last two sessions or at the party, and at the cafe he was just in a quiet mood. I sigh, crossing my arms as I take a seat beside him.

"What's got you all worked up today" I question, resting my head on my fist as I watch Hansol fidget in his chair, flicking through pages of the science text book. It was just now I noticed the slight dark bags hanging under his eyes, as if he didn't get much sleep last night. He ignores my question and stops at a page, pointing to a paragraph.

"Today we are going to do some Biology" he suggests, making me sigh again as I take out a pen. We work in silence for what seems like eternity, him just looking over my shoulder at my work as I struggle on each of the questions. His intense gaze over my shoulder makes a shiver run down my spine as I move around in my seat.

"So is it the cornea that-" I start to question but the brunette cuts me off.

"Please don't talk to Jeonghan anymore" he blurts out, covering his mouth with his hand soon after he speaks. I turn around to look at him wide eyed as he refuses to look at me. He brings his fist up to his mouth and lets out a nervous cough before he rubs the back of his neck, sheepishly looking at me at through his eyelashes.

"I mean-"

"Why?" I ask just above a whisper, still wide eyed. Hansol breathes a log sigh before resting his elbows on the oak table, shuffling his hair in his hands. When he looks up at me again I hold back my laughter when I take a glance at his shuffled hair.

"Just don't go there, he will use you and make you miserable." Hansol seemed generally concerned as he lookes at me with opened eyes. I take a long sigh and put down my pen, turning in the chair to face him.

"Don't worry Hansol, I can see right through his sweet talk" he sends me a small smile, looking down at his nikes making me look at his scraggy hair. I find myself reaching up to smooth out the wild strands. At first the Korean tenses under my touch but soon calms down to slowly look up at me.

"Have you gotten much sleep lately?" I ask in a soft voice, continuing to smooth out his hair. I'm not sure why I am acting this away around him, as if I've known him for ages. Although whenever I'm with him it does feel like I've known him for years. Hansol shakes his head under my touch.

"No, I can't stop thinking once I hop into bed." His hazel eyes stare into mine and I feel lost in his sweet gaze. As if on cue he lets out a tired yawn, rubbing one of his eyes.

"What do you think about?" I ask, my hand trails down the side of his face without even thinking and I soon find myself tracing the sharp line of his jaw, Hansol doesn't seem affected by my gesture as he finishes his yawn and places his hands on his lap, looking down, embarrassed as for what he is going to say.

"You" his face goes scarlet as my hand stills at the place where his jaw connects to his neck. I slowly feel the blush creep up my neck at his words. I watch as he looks up and hesitantly locks eyes with me, the world around us silent, only our breathing could be heard. For a split second I felt a new warmth in my chest, but it disappeared as quick as it starts. I didn't say anything, neither did he.

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