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part seven,
11:59- ;

I quickly fling myself on to the wooden chair in the cosy cafe, frantically running my hands through my hair to at least attempt to calm down the craziness. I softly place my handbag on the floor beside me, and smooth out my skirt before connecting eyes with a bored look.

"Took you long enough" Bora muttered as she takes a sip out of her strawberry milkshake. I just roll my eyes at her bluntness. This is the reason why I liked Bora, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind.

"Have you seen outside? It's like a tornado and a flood all in one!" I say, flicking away a stray leaf I find on my shoulder. The waitress arrives and I order myself a simple iced tea. The cafe is almost empty, everyone being at home trying to escape the cold. I wrap my arms tighter around me as a shiver from the door opening runs through me.

"I haven't seen you in ages, tell me what's been happening," I opened my mouth to tell her about the crazed amounts of school work I have been going through when she cuts me off, "ooh wait no tell me about your mysterious tutor!" She giggles with excitement, putting down her milkshake to rest her head in her palms.

"Oh uh Hansol" I start, smiling down at myself as I look at the floor.

"Yes! Hansol is his name, tell me about this sexy boy." Bora wiggles her eyebrows as she beckons me to continue, the waitress comes and places my ice tea in front of me as I take a sip, preparing for the long explanation.

"Well," I start "we had another session and then my father interrupted and got all mad at Hansol, he basically threatened to fire the poor kid." I look over to see Bora with a judgmental look on her face, she has never liked my father, always thought he was full of himself and way too overprotective as she liked to tell me constantly.

"Anyways moving on, that night he woke me up and he was sitting on the tree outside my window" as I explain I begin to realize that maybe it was just a bit creepy that he was staring into my window, I start to wonder how long he had tried to wake me up for.

"Oh my god he wants your ass" Bora giggles and claps her hands like an excited seal. I hit her quickly on the arm and gave her a disapproving look.

"Bora no it's not like that-"

"Okay, okay continue" she quiets down, resting her head back on her palms in deep concentration.

"So he told me to get changed and that he was taking me to a party. Long story short, it was fun and nothing like I have experienced before. I went to a party for once in my life." I finish up, drinking more of my iced tea as Bora opens her mouth wide, letting out a small gasp.

"Little. Hana. went. to. a. party!" She practically screams and grabs my hands in hers, a wide smile spreads across her pale face as she stares at me wide eyed.

"I've been to parties befor-"

"No you really haven't, I'm proud of you. Marry this boy." She returns back to sitting up right in her seat, drinking her milkshake as her normal sharp attitude takes over. I was about to speak up and say that Hansol was just my tutor when a loud crack of thunder erupted from outside, causing everyone in the small cafe to stare out the window.

"Damn it's really getting crazy out there" Bora mutters as I nod, looking at the pouring rain and tree's rustling in the strong wind.

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