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part eighteen,
09:31- ;

If only I was able to open my eyes slowly like they did in the movies, looking out the window to see the birds chirping and the sun shining.

Although that didn't happen.

Instead I was awoken by a worried Jeonghan, shaking me into reality. Literally. With squinted eyes I sat up in his bed, looking around the room confused. I tried to ignore the fact that he was only in a pair of sweatpants, hair tied up in a ponytail.

"What the fu-" I started, before being cut off by him hurriedly.

"Hansol is going to be here in like two minutes. Hide under the bed or something godammit!" He yelled, pulling at his fringe in frustration. To say I was highly confused was an understatement.

"Why can't he know that I-"

"You wouldn't understand Hana, he- he'd basically kill me" Joenghan cut me off again, groaning and pulling my up by the arm and attempting to push me down. He stopped suddenly, bringing his finger to his mouth to shush me as we heard the sound of his front door opening.

"Jeonghan? You here?" Hansol's voice could be heard in the distance. I gulped, kneeling down blocked by the bed, out of view from the doorway.

"Y-yeah" Jeonghan says shakily, his footsteps could be heard as he left the room. I held my breath as I listened to their conversation.

"I just came to grab my charger, I think I left it here" I heard Hansol call. Instantly I swore to myself, turning to see the white phone charger right next to me. I yelled profanities to myself in my head, he was going to catch me.

I was too busy having a fight in my brain that I didn't even realize the footsteps come closer to Jeonghan's bedroom.

"Oh- uh- are you sure you left it in here" I recognized Jeonghan's voice, nerves clearly evident.

"Yeah," Hansol chuckled "you sound nervous, you don't have one of your girls in here do you?"

One of his girls?

"What the fu- no!" Jeonghan yelled, earning another chuckle from Hansol.

"That's a surprise" Hansol replied sarcastically. I held my breath again, biting so hard on my bottom lip it drew blood. I knew when I saw Hansol's feet pop into my peripheral vision that I was screwed and before I knew it he stood before me, mouth hung wide and eyes basically popping out of his head.

He was silent as he stared from my shocked and embarrassed expression to a guilty looking Jeonghan and back again. Then what surprised me the most was when he let out a loud, cold and heartless laugh.

"That's low Jeonghan, even for you" playing around with his tongue inside his mouth I watched him walk over to the silver haired boy, out of view. Slowly I stood up from my position on the floor, taking in the scene before me.

It all happened so quickly when Hansol took a swing at the boy, just missing Jeonghan's jawline.

"Are you crazy!?" Jeonghan yelled, quickly walking back out of reach from the angered boy.

"No Jeonghan, are you crazy!" He yelled back, sending daggers as he raised his fist again, I couldn't let him do this.

Before he could strike I made my way over to Hansol quickly, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him away from Jeonghan.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried out, ripping my arms away when I felt him shake me off.

"No Hana, why are you doing this!" Hansol whipped around to face me, making me coward back under his harsh gaze. "I never saw you as one to fall for the player" he laughed dryly.

"She didn't fall for the pl-" Jeonghan tried to say, placing a hand on Hansol's shoulder before he was nudged back violently.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Hansol raised his voice even louder, and I was certain that the whole apartment block could hear him.

"I didn't fall for him!" I yelled back, shocked from how loud my own voice was. The look Hansol gave me was a look of disbelief, like he knew what I was saying wasn't the truth, but it was.

"Did you guys fuck?" Hansol scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. I was taken aback from his provocative words, eyes agape as I stated at him fuming.

"No!" I replied, my eyes drifting to Jeonghan as I watched him stand silently behind the brunette, most likely afraid to speak with how angry Hansol was at the moment.

"Did you like it?" Hansol continued to push, not believing my words, "I bet you did, didn't you." It was just now when angry tears started to cloud my eyes, any positive thoughts I had of Hansol had completely vanished, and I no longer wanted to be apart of anything he did.

"I told you Hansol, we didn't have sex" I said though gritted teeth, body shaking as I clenched my teeth in anger. Why wasn't he listening to me. I watched as he gripped the bridge of his nose, as if he was trying to get rid of a bad headache.

I couldn't hold it in anymore as I felt hit tears rush down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them away as they dropped to the floor. Hansol's expression didn't change but I saw Jeonghan's face drop as he saw my saddened state.

"Why is this any of your business anyway" I said, gulping hard to avoid my voice quivering. My face felt stiff as I watched Hansol remove his hand from his face, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly as if trying to decide something.

"It's because I fucking like you okay, I like you Park Hana! And seeing you with another guy is like a knife to the chest!"

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